South DaCola

Is that a zucchini in your pocket, or are just happy to see me?

There will be plenty of ‘wood’ to go around once the feds start cutting checks to South Dakota;

State officials are lining up millions of dollars in ready-to-go projects in preparation for the expected surge of federal spending included in the $790-billion economic plan now sitting at the edge of congressional approval.

How much you wanna bet who will be budging in that line to try to get to the front? Let me give you a clue; “Ah yeah, Tim, remember that TV ad I did for you, praising you for all the things (you promised) you would do for our tiny little town? Member? Member? Well, I was wondering, if Eugene and I could stop by and like, ah, get repayment? Oh, you should of seen the Hell I had to go thru with the SD GOP caucus, Christ, because of my blantant brown nosing of you.”

“Congress has made it very clear that if you don’t spend the money in the time frame given, it could go back,” Bergquist said. “We want to make sure we’re spending all of ours but are also ready to take advantage of any extra we might get.”

Ah, you don’t know much about Northside Dave, do you? That money is already f’ing spent. It’s a Sioux Falls tradition.

Gov. Mike Rounds was evaluating the compromise package Thursday and is scheduled to discuss it during a news conference in the Capitol on Friday.

Poor King Mike, he has to accept a crisp check from a Black Democratic President. I know it’s gonna be tough Mike, since you are so used to taking money from your rich, well connected, Republican Lawyers and business owners. Don’t worry Mike, there is one thing I have learned about Republicans, they take money from anyone as long as it makes them a dime.

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