I’m watching Munson right now discuss the economy in regards to Sioux Falls.

Munson mentions “You don’t want to get into deficit spending.” in regards to the reserves.

Really? So please explain the city debt growing almost $210 million dollars during your two terms. All during decent growth and economic times. Isn’t that ‘Deficit Spending’?

Munson brags about the ‘diverse’ jobs available in Sioux Falls and brings up the hospitals.

In reality there is only 6 major industries in Sioux Falls. Healthcare, credit card industry, meat packing, city government, construction and the restaurant industry. Guess which one pays the best? None of them. Sadly the best wages are in government, why? They are union and have no accountability to the bottom line.

Munson is talking about the stimulus package and how important it is to get the levees done in 2 years instead of 8 years. He also mentions the 1600 properties affected.

Rumor has it that the only reason FEMA came in and claimed we were in a floodplain was because the guy in the city government who staved off FEMA for 15 years retired, so FEMA pounced. In other words, there is no ‘imminent threat’ of flooding. As I mentioned in a post about a week ago, climate studies have shown we are NOT going to flood in Eastern SD anytime soon. Also, during the city council debate, not one single property owner came to the council to beg them to vote for the levees. Why? I think because Munson already promised them he would get it done. Most of the property is retail and apartment buildings, not homeowners. This is more catering to big business. I also think that the property owners agree with me, there is NO threat of flooding anytime soon.

Munson is talking about the RR relocation project.

Something I support totally. I think it is 10 years past due. I disagree with how it is being paid for though. I don’t think taxpayers should foot the entire bill. I think the RR companies could have been forced into paying for it through condemnation while the taxpayers pay for the land given up. But of course government only screws with regular citizines in condemnation, not private industry.

Munson is talking about the Event Center and saying how a new Event Center will help our city and he is lobbying the legislature next year to raise money for it (taxing us more.) Munson lies about how ‘Not much money is being spent’ on exploring the EC. bologna, give us a figure. He talks about ‘Educating the citizens’ on how it is important to have a EC. Jon Wilson brings up  he thinks this is ‘old against young debate’. Munson agrees and says this will only help the young people and doesn’t really help the older generation. Munson skirts the pricetag question and doesn’t answer it. Munson hints at tearing down Howard Wood.

Typical. No dollar amounts are presented on exploring or building the facility. He also doesn’t talk about how the city would like to tax us additionally on retail items (the plan they are proposing), instead of a bed and booze tax which was initially recommended. Also no mention of corporate sponsorship, which I think is the best route.

Munson talks about working with a ‘great council’

I will give Dave credit for one thing, never any sour grapes. And why should there be any, he runs right over the council, time and time again.

Munson talks about the pay raises and blames the 3 Unions and their contracts for the raises. Says we “can afford it” because we are in good financial shape.

Munson fails to mention that the highest pay raises go to NON-Union members.

Munson talks about how he is retiring from politics after he is done being mayor, but never really gives a straight answer.

Gawd, we can only hope.

6 Thoughts on “Live Blog – Mayor Munson Inside Keloland NOW

  1. About the Event Center; I was talking to a friend on Saturday who said something funny about it, “Just because your uncle visits every three years doesn’t mean you add an addition to your house.” In reference to building an Event center for the 2 or 3 major concerts we will have a year.

  2. Ghost of Dude on February 23, 2009 at 10:30 am said:

    But if you really liked your uncle, you’d try and invite him back more often. Having an addition to the house just for him would be a good way to get him back more often.
    If they’re going ot bulldoze HWF for any reason, it should be so that we can expand the CC. Right now it just isn’t big enough to attract mid-sized or large conventions who may be looking for a cheaper facility/host city. This would be an easy money-maker.
    I may have to call the Mayor up about this to see if he’ll speak to me like that letter writer.

  3. MY take on the Munson “interview” was that KELO did a crappy job of interviewing. Why wasn’t Mayor Dave pressed when he avoided answering the questions? What kind of lame-ass interviewer doesn’t follow-up?
    Or is this just another example of KELO sucking up to the AUTHORITY?
    NEWS organizations are supposed to be more than just mouthpieces for whomever is in power.
    …sadly, KSFY is no better.

  4. Ghost of Dude on February 23, 2009 at 12:21 pm said:

    KSFY is worse. Way worse. Good thing they don’t have the viewership.

  5. I know, I emailed KELO when they had on Munson, Brown, Staggers and some developers debating the sales tax increase, and I asked them “Why not any citizens? We are the ones that have to pay the tax, they are the one that are spending it.” There reply was telling, “The councilors are elected by the people, so they represent the public.” I wrote back, “Yes, STAGGERS does a good job.”

  6. Plaintiff Guy on February 24, 2009 at 4:04 pm said:

    Munson is ‘Strong Mayor’ (aka King) for Sioux Falls Home Rule government. He works well with the city council because they’re uninformed groupies with little or no power. Democracy is missing and cannot be restored unless/until home rule is repealed.

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