February 2009

Laugh of the Day

I may not have as much money as Les Moonves, but I do have better art in my house.

I don’t know why they’d buy a piece of shit like this. I don’t know why they’d hang it in their house. I don’t know why Julie Chen would want a blouse like that memorialized in oils. But most of all, I don’t know what they’re toasting. That’s what’s really nagging at me.

The ratings for Harper’s Island?
The success of The Mentalist?
The triumphant return of Joe Mantegna?

Kinda reminds me of the endless stories in our local rag magazines about rich people’s homes in Sioux Falls. They’ll build a $2 million dollar house and decorate the walls with fake canvas print paintings from Hobby Lobby. April is right, you cannot buy taste.

Rumors on the internets; the GOP is oblivious

Bush was internetiotic – to say the least

Meghan McSnotty wrote an interesting article about something the rest of us have known for a very, long, long, time;

The Republican party isn’t exactly Internet savvy. That’s no secret. This has been a source of personal frustration for me for a very long time. Unless the GOP evolves as the party that can successfully utilize the Web, we’ll continue to lose influence. I think nothing confirms this fact to be more true than this recent election. I don’t claim to be an expert on mobilizing voters, but a significant number of the readers on mccainblogette.com, my blog, were between the ages of 18 and 30, a key demographic that either party would want. Many of the established Republican strategists told me that young people would not visit my web site. I used to categorize many of the advisors in my father’s campaign into one of two groups: those that “respected” the Internet and those who didn’t. It was a running line between me and my friends who worked on my site.

Better call up Pity Pat Powers, he’ll show you how it’s done (but don’t bother with his contributor friend Troy unless you have unlimited server space, he’s KINDA wordy.

Never thought I would see the day that I agree with Northside Davey

But he is absolutely spot on about this idiotic legislation (From KELO-TV);

A controversial gun bill making its way through the South Dakota legislature could shoot holes in policies designed to protect the public. 

HB1278 says no town, county or township can restrict where someone can carry a gun. And that’s not sitting well with some. 

The sign on the door at Sioux Falls’ City Hall says no firearms allowed. But if a new gun bill passes in the legislature, this sign and others on city property would have to come down. 

“To me, that’s not good legislation,” Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson said. 

Munson calls it a ridiculous bill that should be shot down. 

“My biggest problem is I really don’t think people should carry weapons on city property,” Munson said.

Including the Arena, where thousands gather for events. 

“What would happen if that goes off accidentally or on purpose?  You’d have a stampede that you wouldn’t believe,” Munson said. 

Sioux Falls has had an executive order banning weapons from city property since 1995. 

But supporters of the bill are locked and loaded ready to fight to make sure the bill passes.  Representative Don Kopp of Rapid City says it’s a constitutional right to carry a gun with a permit. 

“There’s no way in state law that a municipality or township or county have the authority to excerpt state law that was issued in 1983 that is designed to keep the gun law uniform around the state of South Dakota,” Kopp said.

Kopp says even the strongest gun laws in the world can’t stop someone from committing a crime. 

“The only people that do these types of things are people who aren’t going to bother to get a permit,” Kopp said. 

The bill already has won approval in the House on a vote of 46-20 and is now in the Senate.

The 2nd Amendment DOES give you the right to own and operate a firearm, but it DOES NOT give you the right to endanger others. This is simply a public safety policy. Remember in Atlanta a couple of years back what happens when people bring guns into a courtroom. This isn’t the wild west stop being hillbillies and get some real work done in Pierre.