February 2009

And you thought South Dakota has the advantage when it comes to crazy legislators

Has Senator Hunt infiltrated the North Dakota Capital?

NO more. North Dakota is full of all kinds of Roger Hunts. I am on the Planned Parenthood email list. I usually read the emails, shake my head, than delete. But today’s email caught my attention. Whoa Nelly;

Dear Friends:

I am writing today to alert you about a bill advancing in the North Dakota Legislature that is specifically crafted to challenge Roe v. Wade and that poses a very serious threat to women’s health and reproductive rights.

HB 1572, which defines a fertilized egg as a person, was passed Tuesday in the North Dakota House by a vote of 51-41. It now goes to the Senate for debate.

The two-paragraph-long bill says that a human being “includes any organism with the genome of homo sapiens.”

If HB1572 passes the Senate and is signed by the governor, the implications are huge:

• It would ban abortion.
• It would outlaw some forms of birth control.
• It would prohibit medical procedures that affect a fertilized egg, including treatment for cancer, tubal pregnancies, and infertility.
• It would mire North Dakota in drawn-out, expensive legal battles.
• It would force a showdown over Roe v. Wade.

The Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Action Fund is on the ground in North Dakota, rallying our supporters and testifying in the Legislature against this bill – doing everything we can to prevent it from passing – and we need your help. Your gift to the Action Fund today will support our work advocating for reproductive rights in the state legislature.

We’re not the only ones who have noticed this bill – it has also garnered significant media coverage. The Associated Press, CNN, AFP, MSNBC, the Drudge Report, Fox News, Huffington Post, Feministing, and dozens of regional newspapers including the Star Tribune, Fargo Forum and Grand Forks Herald all have carried news of the bill. Here are some links:


We will continue to be vigilant in fighting this legislation. Stay tuned, and thank you, as always, for your support.

As most scientists, biologists, doctors, ob-gyns, rational people, etc, etc agree; a fertilized egg MUST attach to the uterus to grow into a fetus and than a human being. If this law passes it basically says any matter floating around the general vaginal area is a human being.

Man, and you thought the crazies were in Pierre!

SF City Council informational meeting tidbits

If only Sioux Falls were on the Highway to Hell - we would stop leaking money

This week, once again, Quen Be De Knudson could not resist getting another plug in for a new Event Center (so she won’t have to fill her car with gas, in Sioux Falls, and drive to Sioux City to see Neil Diamond and buy Cokes at the Tyson Center). Only De would be so shameless to encourage a retail tax increase to build something we don’t need during a recession. Her argument this time? The Arena is ‘dilapidated’. It all started by her giving kudos to the Sioux Falls Sports Authority for getting the Summit League tournament in March to be held in Sioux Falls at the Arena. What started as praise quickly turned into a rant about how surprised she was they were able to convince the league to have the tourney here because the Arena is so ‘dilapidated’. I think if she wants to see dilapidation, she ought a go out with the code enforcement officers sometime.

Sure, the Arena is a little old and worn, but there is nothing wrong with it, considering it has only sold out about 3 events in the past 40 years (and seven Garth Brooks concerts). Did Knudson ever think maybe they chose Sioux Falls because it is a nice city to visit? Or that the Arena may be the perfect size for the tournament? Stop worrying about what the f’ing Jones’ have and get down to real business for once.


Not sure if you ever watch the informational meetings online but they use a software called Granicus. For the longest time I noticed that they turn the microphones on and start recording about 10 minutes before the informational meetings actually start. I started to notice that most of the councilors showing up to the meetings were not aware of it, and I would turn up the volume full blast and listen to the chatter. Most of the time I wouldn’t hear much, but a few weeks back one of the councilors made the comment about Jamison walking in and tearing up his AC/DC ticket. It made me chuckle, because a week earlier was Jamison’s Oscar winning performance where he talked about Sioux Falls leaking money because we don’t have an Event Center while tearing up fake checks from AC/DC and The Eagles.

After that, I decided in all fairness, I would email the city clerk and tell her about it, kind of a fair warning that anybody listening can hear the chatter. It has only gotten better as a result. This past week the assistant city clerk made a point to inform everyone their microphones were on, and joked that people can tell what they are thinking to, and councilor Litz replies, “If they knew what I was thinking, I would be in jail.” I’m with you on that Bob! So keep up the comedy show. I think the 10 minutes prior to the meetings is more exciting than the open discussion during the meeting, except when Shakespeare Jamison and Quen Be De put on there best rendition of Arthur Miller’s greatest unknown work, “Death of an Event Center.”

Don’t know much about this thingy

But will admit, something needs to be done. I do like this portion of the proposal though;

Obama’s $275 billion plan — announced on Wednesday — doesn’t compel banks and other lenders to modify troubled mortgages. Instead, it provides a menu of incentives that may or may not prove sufficient in reaching the goal of helping 9 million homeowners.

Unlike in the past, this plan only encourages banks to participate, instead of forcing them to. The other good part about the plan is once the entire mortgage debacle stops spiraling out of control it will stabablize home prices and help all homeowners who have equity in their homes. This just isn’t about helping people who are facing forclosure, it is also about helping all homeowners save the equity in their biggest investment. Makes sense to me. I try not to take what Cantor and Boehner have to say to seriously.