February 2009

Have I mentioned before that I am totally in lust with this woman?

Artist Natalia Fabia does 20 questions with Juxtapoz magazine, and I see we share a guilty pleasure;

What’s the most non-art involved activity you continually find yourself enjoying?Watching Bret Michael’s Rock of Love Tour bus reality show on VH1. I love that piece of crap show!


I prefer to say ‘piece of shit’ show.

Best hustle you ever pulled?Ooooh haha. Well, I collect books, I love books, art books, reference books, picture books and I used to go to the Borders by my house in high school and switch price tags on books and then buy them. I would but a $9.00 sticker on a $100 hard-cover art book. And it worked every time! I would never do anything like that now though! Mainly because it would be embarrassing getting arrested for that at 25.


Hey, still works at the thrift stores . . . I’m just saying.

No time for Doddlers

Ever get in line behind someone at the bank or fast-food counter who doesn’t know what they want? Governor Rounds is the biggest offender;

While many states have made their lists of “ready-to-go” projects available for public review, others have resisted.

Only a fraction of the projects will receive money and watchdog groups say some state officials fear angering constituents if a project appears on a wish list and gets scratched.

So we might be $85 million short in tax revenue this year, and you have no clue where we could spend the money? As Archie Bunker would say, “GEEEEEEEEEEZ”

The only thing the Republicans forgot to bring to the Sunday morning talk-shows was their shovels

Maxine pulls out a can of Whoop-Ass on Sunday morning

I’ve seen representative Maxine Waters talk before on C-SPAN, but yesterday on This WEEK she was on fire, she basically called out the GOP’s Bullshit, and said it in an intelligent and simple way. I think they were caught a little flat-footed.

KING: Not one Republican was allowed to take part in the process
in the House.

WATERS: That’s — that is not — that is not the truth.

KING: It is the truth.

WATERS: As a matter of fact, we should focus on, when you had
the opportunity to participate, why not do what those three moderate
Republicans did? Step up to the plate; offer your amendments. You
know, we took all of their amendments.

Do you know we reduced the neighborhood stabilization program by
a couple of billion dollars? We reduced Head Start, Early Start,
school construction. We took the amendments. And so all those who…

And I also found this an interesting tidbit, but not surprising. Why is Congress’ approval numbers so low, blame the GOP.

We miss you, our dear Funny GWB Valentine –


As the EggBert family/neighborhood entity gathered to watch our newly elected (stooge) President OBummer speak at his first Public “Black”House Press Conference (he even answered questions by the media – what a putz) last Monday night as we yawned, napped, and drank (mostly Grammy’s special Coffee-Can Hooch) our way through the miserable ordeal – we carefully drafted a unique “We Miss You” Valentine card/letter for our beloved, Untouchable, golden cupid – President Georgie W. – which we sent to his humble ranch in CrawlFord, Texas:

Dear Funny GWB Valentine:

We miss you. Terribly. It’s not the same without you…

We miss your sweet smile, good looks, bushy eyebrows, and your gentle & honest face.  This new guy is downright scary and creepy, not to mention dull and not very intelligent. He doesn’t seem very religious or morally straight, like you are.

We do not want a “rapper” President who is not able to articulate the problems and concerns of this nation, or who addresses the “bummer” news of this nation.  We don’t even need to know what is happening in Irut, Irun, Assghanistan, let alone Beersford, SD.

Who does this new darkie/evil President think he is foolin’ with his biggie big big words, nonsensical African language, and detailed mumbo jumbo? We fondly remember the GWB years when you led by examply while enjoying your life by biking and golfing in the morning, and then taking care of business – along with your fellow cupids -  during the busy wii afternoon hours.

We miss your many frat-boy blossom buddies, – your virtuous homies. You also did not rely on your cronies to do your work all the time, like OBummer does, with twerps like Barney “The Dinosore” Frankfarter.

We also miss your love for Freedom of Speech & Guns, and for the other Rights, Laws, and Amendments you followed. We miss your passion – your reverence, your stunning white, pure handsomeness. You put a smile on our face at each and every moment. Your strength is missed – and your ability to stick it to the terrorists.  We need your comfort once again -you made us feel safe in your warm, huggie hug hug.

You shot Saddamn in the head with your Cupid arrow of justice - but what has OBummer done yet to capture Bin Ladle’s heart? Nothing. He can’t get it done, can he? He can quell the yearning in our hearts and minds to seek guidance in a loving embrace – as we did when you were in the White House.

Seriously, can we be Yours once again?  If not, we’re Screwed like Creamy Nugent’s new prickly pooch, “Pubes” (her former mutt, “Smutty Nick Klingon,” got ran over by SD State Senator Sally Germstead) –  

Regardless, YOU  – our dear Georgie Walkin’ Bush – will forever be The EggBert’s Funny Valentine –


The EggBerts (minus Uncle Rusty and Gramps Gumpy – who believe that OBummer is Saint OBummer)