February 2009


This guy was responding to a post about how blue our country has become in voting, to be quite honest with you, I have no clue what he is talking about. In the words of the late great James Brown, Rama Lama, Fa, Fa, Fa.

I see that it appears this conversation is over, but if I must say, AND I MUST, if it weren’t for the “theocrats” you wouldn’t have the freedom to express what you are expressing now!! Our founders were mostly Christian, or at least acknowledged Christian values to be the best at governing a free people. Look at the “buddhist” countries. Look at the “Hindu” Countries. Look at the “Muslim” countries. And now look at the “Christian” countries (aka US, England, Spain, etc) Although not perfect, no country on earth can be, these countries are examples of the “free” world, aka “the Christian” world. You do not have to be Christian to agree that it is the best and ONLY religion that allows a free, civil society to exist. Thomas Jefferson, the one everyone likes to point to as the father of “separation of church and state” although this was taken entirely out of context, was most definitely not what we would consider Christian today, although he DID in fact carry a Bible, was the FIRST superintendent of Washington, DC schools. Guess what? He MADE THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE the PRIMARY textbook for ALL schoolchildren in DC. Don’t believe me? Look it up, but it might be hard to find, since so many liberal and communist historians in America have literally re-written our history!! ALL of our founders agreed that it is necessary for a people to fear a higher authority than government so that government does NOT have to be over our shoulders all of the time, and they believed Christianity to be the most BALANCED of religions to achieve this (and yes, most modern religions did also exist at that time). People who do not fear THE higher authority are more likely to commit crimes such as tax fraud, theft, and other crimes when the government can NOT see them. To date, there has been no other religion that has allowed a free country to exist as long as the United States has!!! However, these days are numbered. As we continue to allow things previously considered crimes or mental illnesses to openly be practiced, such as adultery, homosexuality, tax fraud, etc. to go free, we will have lawlessness (actually we already do) prevailing on the streets, and the United States as we know it will collapse (I would argue that it already has collapsed). Man, I could go on and on, and on. Did you know most of our founders lost EVERYTHING for the principle of freedom? They lost family fortunes, status, saw their wives and children sacrificed, literally murdered, by British troops, and the list goes on and on. Do you actually think Barack Obama would sacrifice all of that? I think John McCain would have, not that he was perfect or anything, because no man is. John McCain sacrificed six years of his life in HELL for YOU AND ME!!! And I know he would do it again. Everyone is thinking about their jobs and stuff nowadays, and sure, I am too, but that doesn’t mean I sacrifice unborn babies lives, the right to freely worship God in private or public, or the right to bear arms just so I can eat. Our founders, Thomas Jefferson included, would have a fit if they knew they sacrificed money, family and comfort for the future right of a country to elect a COMMUNIST president!!!

Which house do you think McCain would sacrifice first?

Franklin rejected Christianity to his death bed, you know, the guy who pretty much invented American free speech and dissention.

Doggone it, Just LET the City Leaders SPEND their money…

Hello, good people:

Concerning the fuss from the few un-Patriotic citizens of Sioux Falls getting their hair in a bunch JUST because the city is going to spend a little of their hard-earned money on windows, bridges, raising the dirt piles around the Sewer River to keep us from getting our feet wet, AND are planning on hiring at least 25 additional city workers in the near future (ALL NEEDS, not wants), THEN YOU FEW DISLOYAL WhackJobs CAN check out the site below and make the city government personnel cuts YOURSELF that you think need to be cut…Our city leaders are doing the best job possible with our upcoming annual budgeting challenges, and if you don’t agree, you can just go piss in a coffee can or stick a ripe Turkey Turd up your anus! 

Displaying 1,079 Sioux Falls City Salaries…



And if you think you complaining, lazy, good-for-nothin’, out-of-work, hippie whimp moochers have it rough in these disastrous economic times (under President OBummer’s watch, I might add), check out the recent photo below of neighbor Jed Nugent, who was recently laid off by Scott Soy Trial Lawyers (hired as a hand-y man is what he told us), but has REFUSED to pout about it and has made the best of his economic woes by getting a new job and cutting costs at the Neighbor Nugent Party House with newly installed low-flow, under-deck draining outdoor toilet features.


EggBert & Family (except Uncle Rusty & Grumps Gramps, who both stated that Mayor Munchkin already has a ripe Turkey Turd up his ass, – which he certainly DOES NOT as my family picked up ALL of them in Sioux Falls during this past EggBert family Thanksgiving walk…Hmmm, unless of course, Aunt Bertha shared one of her prized poop possessions with her bestest girlfriend, Council Mumbler, Dee Dee OK, who may have slipped Munchkin the old T-bird Turd while they hung out together late one night at Carnegie Hall watching SpongeBob on Nick at Night)