February 2009

Are we living in a Police State in Sioux Falls?

One wonders after reading the Code Enforcement Audit; code

I found the fines jumping from $1,900 in 2003 to $129,400 in 2006 pretty astonishing. Was the city falling behind or apart before 2003?

If you read the report you will see that code enforcement now is NOT just based on a complaint basis, which pretty much means if a city employee (of any kind) drives by your place and thinks your branches or grass is to long they can mess with you. And they do.

My neighbor told me this summer that one afternoon they walked up and down our entire block looking in everyone’s yard. This is complete bologna.

Do I think we need code enforcement? Yes. But it should be based on complaints only. Once we let city workers stop by anytime they want to measure my lawn I think we are opening a gigantic can of worms.

You will also notice in the audit report that they have over $114,000 in unpaid fines, gee, I wonder why? This is a very slippery slope. Obviously Sioux Falls got by just fine up until 2003 without being jerks about our PROPERTY and PROPERTY rights. As far as I am concerned, the city owns the Blvd, and they own everything on it, including the grass and the trees, if they don’t like the way it looks, fix it and move on and stop fining people for something they don’t own.

BTW, I got a good chuckle out of the flow charts at the bottom of the Audit – beaurcracy at it’s finest. See if you can find Waldo.

Tell us what you ‘really’ think of the voters decision on term limits

Apparently some SD legislators forgot about how the public voted in November;

The State Affairs Committee voted 5-4 Wednesday to endorse SJR3, a proposed constitutional amendment that would extend term limits to 12 consecutive years in a chamber. It also would change the current two-year terms in the Senate to four years.

And they wonder why we have ballot initiatives – go figure.

Etta James wants to whoop Beyonce’s ass!

Etta? Have you seen Beyonce’s butt? You are gonna need a couple more cans!

She wasn’t to happy about Obama’s ears either;

While on stage, Etta told the crowd, “Your President, the one with the big ears … he had that woman singing my song. She gone get her ass whipped.”

I heard John Thune was estatic about Obama’s ears. I’ll have to admit, old people say crazy things, but I was disappointed in the fact that Etta wasn’t asked to do her own song at the ball. I have often argued she was the first Queen of R & R, and Beyonce? A blip in time. But hey, it’s all about image these days (just look at what Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak did), and Beyonce is a lot better looking than Etta, that goes without saying.

I hope they sell tickets to the ass-kicking, I’ll put $50 on Etta.