February 2009

HB1127 Testimony

Beginning Tuesday morning at 7:45 a.m. South Dakotans for Safe Access will be testifyin’ in the House Health & Human Services Committee. The subject is HB1127, the 2009 South Dakota Safe Access [to cannabis as recommended by a doctor] Act.

These are the folks who are gonna be tellin’ the SDSA story there (as known at 9 a.m. Sunday).

A former Denver detective who now lives in Sen. Abdallah’s district in Sioux Falls.

A 25-year-old student and champion cowgirl who suffers debilitating migraines.

A 23-year-old student who has lost a leg from cancer.

A 45-ish eastern South Dak. businessman who suffers a degenerative digestive disorder palliated by cannabis.

A rancher with AIDS who has done time for trying to sustain his own life.

The rancher’s doctor.

A former chairman of the MS Society, North Central States Chapter (8000 members).

At least one more member of the MS Society, NC Chapter

A 1990 Gulf War veteran, with nerve damage due to exposure to chemicals

A federally supplied medical marijuana patient, who gets a tin with 300 perfectly-rolled marijuana cigarettes each month. For more information about the program under which she receives her medicine, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compassionate_Investigational_New_Drug_program

You can listen live as we speak to the committee.
Scroll down the right column, click on “Health and Human Services
2/3/2009 7:45 AM” (When I do that, I get an error message, but an audio link is downloaded to my desktop, which I have to open to get the audio. Not sure if it works that way for everybody.)

We urge you to contact the members of the committee to which we will testify. The list of House Health and Human Services Committee is below. The best way to get an email to them is to go to this page,
http://legis.state.sd.us/email/LegislatorEmail.aspx. Once you rmessage is entered in the box, you can serially send to every member of the committee. Do it today; the hearing is Tuesday.

All the message needs to say is “Please support HB1127,” along with your name and city of residence. Anonymous pleas aren’t much good.

House Health and Human Services Committee

Rep. Blake, Susy (Dem.-Dist. 13, Sioux Falls) Rep. Blake has indicated favorability to 1127

Rep. Iron Cloud III, Ed (Dem.-Dist. 27, Bennett, Haakon counties) Probably a yes vote for 1127

Rep. Lucas, Larry (Dem.-Dist. 26A, Mellette, Todd counties) can be convinced on 1127, needs to hear from you.

Rep. Nygaard, Eldon (Dem.-Dist. 17, Clay, Turner counties) not on record on 1127

Rep. Vanderlinde, Martha (Dem.-Dist. 15, Minnehaha county) Is a nurse. Is one of the sponsors of 1127.

Rep. Boomgarden, Jamie (Rep.-Dist. 17, Clay, Turner counties) not on record on 1127. Clay County carried the 2006 medcan vote.

Rep. Curd, R. Blake (Rep.-Dist. 12, Lincoln, Minnehaha counties) not on record on 1127

Rep. Dreyer, Brian (Rep.-Dist. 32, Pennington county) might be able to convince him on 1127

Rep. Jensen, Phil (Rep.-Dist. 33, Meade, Pennington counties) not on record on 1127

Rep. Moser, Nick (Rep.-Dist. 18, Yankton county) not on record on 1127

Rep. Pitts, Carol (Chair) (Rep.-Dist. 7, Brookings county) not on record on 1127. Brookings county carried the 2006 medical cannabis vote.

Rep. Rave, Timothy (Vice Chair) (Rep.-Dist. 25, Hanson, McCook counties) not on record on 1127

Rep. Romkema, Fred (Rep.-Dist. 31, Lawrence county) Has met with medcan patients. Might be convinced to vote for 1127. Lawrence County carried the 2006 medcan vote.

SD Legislators really need to grow a brain

It’s Alive! More stupid legislation.

My favorite (and only qualified journalist in Sioux Falls) Ellis wrote an article today about a new brainchild(?) legislators Heidepreim and Abdallah are cooking up. They want to change the state constitution so we can become (more dependent) on gambling.

Faced with the threat of a large-scale casino resort opening just across the Iowa border, two Sioux Falls lawmakers are proposing a simple but controversial solution: Clear the way for a casino of our own.

A Las Vegas-style gaming casino in or near Sioux Falls would stymie a similar development in nearby Larchwood, Iowa, that officials long have feared will take money out of South Dakota’s pockets.

But the proposal first must overcome a series of obstacles, including a change to the South Dakota Constitution.

Though I do understand their revenue concerns, changing the state constitution to allow more harmful social ills is the wrong move.

Sioux Falls lawyer Brian J. Bauer said he suggested an effort be made to change the state Constitution, an idea that Heidepriem agreed with. Bauer said he doesn’t want to see the Sioux Falls economy hurt by a resort in Iowa.

Study, after study has proven gambling costs taxpayers more than we gain from it, in criminal and social costs. But hey, look who is proposing the change – lawyers – go figure, the very people who suck from the criminal sow’s tit. I’m sure video lottery laoyyists had a hand in this to. This isn’t about keeping the state’s $111 million dollar cut, it’s about keeping their cut, even though, they would like you to think differently though;

He proposes that revenues from the facility be put in a “lockbox” to be used specifically for education.

LMFAO! Lockbox, smockbox. They use this bullshit argument everytime and it is starting to get old. can’t they get more creative and say the money will be used to buy Hoverounds for all Senior citizens that can’t afford them or FREE icecream for kids under six on Sundays?! Cut the crap!

If approved, it could open the door for a significant expansion of gaming in South Dakota.

Bauer realizes the proposal is likely to draw fire.

“Bottom line is, it’s coming to this region anyway,” he said. “You might as well have it on the South Dakota side rather than the Iowa side of the border.”

Enough already. Instead of expanding gaming, start taxing people based on their income, that’s a no-brainer of a plan I would be willing to put a bet on.

I guess cigars are not made of tobacco and cannot be smoked? Who knew?

Give me an exception or I won’t stop crying

Poor Tim. Life just doesn’t go his way. When a neighborhood church needed to move a house to add on to there church, Timmy said no way, because they would have to cut a few branches off of his tree. When Timmy wanted to open a bar dowtown, he wanted the kids kicked out of DT. When someone wanted to open a bar across the street from his, he said they could not because they would have hip-hip dancing. When he realized he couldn’t make much money from a 200 square foot bar, he begged for a permit to have people drink on the sidewalk. Now Timmy wants his way again.

In a letter to the editor today in the Argus Leader (not up on website yet) Tim thinks cigar bars should have an exemption (surprise, surprise) and South Dakotans are misinformed about the smoking ban (that made me laugh). Not sure what freaking planet you have been living on the past 20 years, Timmy, but secondhand smoke kills people, secondly, cigars contain tobbaco that is smoked, just like a cigarette. What part of ‘smoking ban’ don’t you understand?

As usual, Tim is acting like a little brat to get his way. It’s time to stop sparing the rod with Mr. Kant. He doesn’t want this exemption for OTHER cigar lounges, he wants them for HIS cigar shop. It’s always about Tim, not the rest of us.

Enough! If the legislature can’t pass a total ban with NO exemptions, don’t pass one at all, let the voters decide, because a majority of us don’t give a rat’s ass about Tim’s cigar bar.