February 2009

A penny saved is a penny earned. That’s not silly – it’s smart

I have a coffee can I fill with pennies, most people do. When it is full I hike it to the bank and cash it in. It usually comes to about $17. Pennies add up, in the city’s case it adds up to about $5 million with the new tax increase that took affect January 1, 2009. Our tax initiative, if passed, will let taxpayer’s keep that $5 million to spend how they wish which will most likely go back into the economy in the form of goods and services that helps all local businesses not just contractors who pave gravel roads outside of rural Tea (that is where these arterial roads are being proposed).

Is saving taxpayers $5 million dollars silly? Argus Leader columnist Hawkins seems to think so. In her column, titled ‘Stupid, silly stuff trumps violence any day’ (only in the dead tree version of the Argus today) she says this;

“But when one realizes that the fight is over less than a penny, yes less than a penny, I feel like responding like Izzie or Meredith or Cristina in “Grey’s Anatomy.” “Seriously?”

Maybe instead of watching a boring TV series, Hawkins should do a little research about taxation, citizen rights and the TRUE duty of the Fourth Estate instead of defending politicians (and advertisers) that spend wastefully. Now that is silly. And they wonder why subscriptions are down. Go figure.

Yesterday when I was collecting signatures, I rareley got a no. Most people agreed, the city is spending too much money, and it’s time for citizens to step in and put a halt to it. Not one single person mentioned to me the small amount it is to there personal finances. I think most people who agree with our drive agree when you give politicians an inch, they will take foot. When we give our mayor .08 cents, he takes $5 million out of the entire SF business community and hands it over to a select few, ironically the very few who fund our city leader’s campaigns. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

UPDATE: Mayor Munson himself points out why a tax increase is not needed, lots-o-money!

Superbowl? That’s football.. right?

I know it’s a real reach for me to post something that I think is stupid or that I absolutely hate. Today will be no different. Every year all of you mouth breathing sheep work yourselves into consumerist frenzies for “the big game”. The chips and salsa I buy at Hy-Vee have a team logo on them. The gas I pump into my shitty car is the official fossil fuel of the NFL and I think I’ll puke if I see one more fat asshole wearing a Steelers jersey he picked up at Kohl’s just to wear today to prove that he knows who’s in the game and maybe people will think he’s a hardcore fan.

All professional sports suck. I’m not just pointing my finger at the NFL, although I will say they have a market share of fanatic butt wads that even NASCARâ„¢ is envious of.  Today isn’t really about the football. Deep down somewhere behind all of the marketing and overpriced commercial spots there is a game of strategy and skill. But that isn’t the reason millions of you are tuning in today. Sure, you’ll watch the game and cheer when someone makes a play worth cheering for. If you are with a group of people today, whether its in a bar or sitting at home on your couch, make a mental note to observe the way a room snaps to attention when the first set of commercials come on. We, myself included, have been programmed to consume, and today we’ll worship at our HDTV alters and anoint ourselves with crappy Americanized beer and finger food.  Doritos Sanctos Cheezypoofs.

So drink your Budweiser and eat your hot wings like a good boy, and I’ll pretend I care when it’s all you can talk about tomorrow at work. 



I  mean… BAAAAAAA……..