February 2009

Feb 22, 2009 D-Bag of the day; Mitch McConnell

Mitch does his best, “I just ate a shit sandwich” face

This guy lies so much you’d think he was a Republican . . .

McConnell’s myth-making came during an appearance Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” (WMV and QT videos here.) There, he fired the first salvo against President Obama’s plan to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans who need it least. Claiming that “a vast majority of American small businesses pay taxes as individual taxpayers,” McConnell thundered:

“I don’t think raising taxes is a great idea, and when our good friends on the other side of the aisle say raising the taxes on the wealthy, what they are really talking about is small business.”

Of course, they’re not talking about small business. As CNN concluded in October, “fewer than 2% of small business owners would pay more under Obama’s plan.”

Munson arrogant? Nah . . . just oblivious

I have a feeling as this recession deepens one positive thing will come from it, people will become less apathetic about our city government, as this letter writer did;

I called the Sioux Falls mayor’s office to voice my displeasure with the salary increases of city employees. In the course of the conversation, I was amazed by the attitude of Mayor Dave Munson.

You mean, how he really doesn’t care what you think? Or how he is ‘always right’. Or how you dare question his authority?


I voiced my concern on how many of us in the community have had our wages frozen or even have had them cut by our employers. I feel the responsible thing is for the city to be as reactive as many private industries locally and nationally have been.

Why would he do that? It’s not like you have a say in the matter, you only elected him and pay his wages.


Munson arrogantly wanted me to tell him what to cut. He explained in politician speak how the city has done everything it can and is obligated to continue increased expenditures to keep the city growing.

He would never ask me that question, because I would roll out a scroll that would stretch from the Federal courthouse to Falls Park. I would have told him, “Your chief of staff.” Would have loved to hear that reaction.

He and many of those in City Hall have forgotten the bottom line. The citizens of this city have less money, yet our burden continues to grow. Our family budgets get tighter and tighter, yet government continues to grow “for our sake.”

All the while forgetting who is funding the city government.


Just for once I’d like to see a politician be reactive and not proactive.

Or at least use there fricking brains.

When you have an 85 year old man telling SD legislators that they need to think more ‘creatively’ Yah, know you have a problem in Pierre

State Legislators are considering changing the state bird to reflect how we govern here

My favorite old school liberal, Clark Butler wrote a great letter about using fiscal common sense. He provides a laundry list of great ideas, the following is something I have suggested for a long time;

Raise the tax on luxury and other items so everyone pays the same as those buying food and other necessities. Be careful when going the easy route by overtaxing gambling, tobacco, booze, gas, etc. This can backfire. You only can get so much juice from one lemon no matter how hard you squeeze it.

Clean Air Mumbo Jumbo Pooh Pooh

Happy Day, all: 

 The Argyle Lier has “over-researched” this lame “non-hot” subject to death –


so the EggBert family decided to do a little crack-pot, power-pointed, internets-based research of thier own on Niece Nellie’s boyfriend, Petey Schwetty’s lap-top on the top of his lap under a blanket (see power-point slider below) –

So, as you can all see, smoking cigarettes is NOT a primary source of indoor polution. Period.  End of BS smoke story. 

By the way, Neighbor Creamy Nugent sez to all of you liberal, clean-air pushin’ commie bastards, “Cut it out with all the public indoor smoke-free crap, lover boys & girls, cuz’ if you can Stroke it, Smoke it!”


EggBert & Right to Pollute Indoor Air family & neighborhood members (except Uncle Rusty & Grumps Gramps, who left during the research to eat at the only healthy, smoke-free diner in town, McDonalds, to down a few Cokes & Big Macs)