South DaCola

Rounds; It’s okay to fund the arts as long as Obama pays for it

We love the arts in South Dakota! We also love Federal Pork!

It seems our culturally retarded governor had a change of heart;

“I have directed my staff to work with legislators on a plan to try and reinstate funding for the arts office, based upon the fact that the stimulus package has been signed by the president, and it may free up some state funds for the arts,” Rounds said during the Governor’s Awards for the Arts event in Pierre.

“Because I just couldn’t bare to take money from no-bid tourism contracts that actually lost the state $3 million last year, I mean, gee whiz, these are my campaign contributors.”

“The revised budget that would eliminate all state funding for the state arts agency stunned South Dakota’s arts community,” Boyd said Wednesday.

Trust me, this has nothing to do with King Rounds having a change of heart. He saw Washington cutting checks for stuff and saw an opportunity – plain and simple. If the FEDS would not have put arts funding into the stimulus, Mikey would have still cut the arts.

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