South DaCola

Rumors on the internets; the GOP is oblivious

Bush was internetiotic – to say the least

Meghan McSnotty wrote an interesting article about something the rest of us have known for a very, long, long, time;

The Republican party isn’t exactly Internet savvy. That’s no secret. This has been a source of personal frustration for me for a very long time. Unless the GOP evolves as the party that can successfully utilize the Web, we’ll continue to lose influence. I think nothing confirms this fact to be more true than this recent election. I don’t claim to be an expert on mobilizing voters, but a significant number of the readers on, my blog, were between the ages of 18 and 30, a key demographic that either party would want. Many of the established Republican strategists told me that young people would not visit my web site. I used to categorize many of the advisors in my father’s campaign into one of two groups: those that “respected” the Internet and those who didn’t. It was a running line between me and my friends who worked on my site.

Better call up Pity Pat Powers, he’ll show you how it’s done (but don’t bother with his contributor friend Troy unless you have unlimited server space, he’s KINDA wordy.

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