South DaCola

SB199 would End the Food Tax

Food prices are up. The economy is down. Increasingly, South Dakota families feel the pinch when grocery dollars go for TAX instead of food.


• Ends the WHOLE cruel food tax

• Has bi-partisan leadership (Senator Merchant & Representative Cutler)

• Shifts taxes to fully maintain state, city and tribal revenues formerly raised by taxing food. (The revenue is replaced simply by tax shifting, 1/2% more tax to all non-food sales.  Check below to see how this fairer method works.)

• Wisely provides a revenue cushion in case non-food sales slump with the economy. (The cushion is provided by leaving the tax on pop and candy.)

•  Saves state dollars by ending a current state program — The food tax refund program will no longer be needed. It never did reach enough people.

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