Another Jackass comment from a Jackass legislator (Argus Leader)

“The state is losing revenue now on the tobacco tax (and possibly on video lottery if ban goes into affect)” – Abdallah

Pure speculation and not proven, in fact, tax receipts for food and beverages would probably INCREASE especially in restaurants offsetting the possible downturn in gambling revenue.

Hopefully they will be able to revive it today, but don’t hold your breath, like I said from the beginning our legislators continually fail to do the work of the majority (over 65% of South Dakotans support a ban) and once again it will be up to voter to decide.

Just admit it Gene, being the ONLY Sioux Falls legislator to vote against the ban it’s pretty obvious why;

5 Thoughts on “The myths continue about a smoking ban

  1. Angry Guy on February 4, 2009 at 7:30 am said:

    I was listening to this assclown on KSOO earlier this week, and he was being a crybaby about the whole thing. He said he knew it would pass in committee, just based on the fact that he knew the people that were voting on it. He compared it to prohibition.
    Rick knobe asked him if exceptions were going to be introduced, and what they were going to include. “I’m not at liberty to say at this time” was what Assdallah said. Knobe called him out by saying he thought he was IN SUPPORT OF OPEN GOVT. Assdallah said he was, and that we would eventually know the exceptions, just not on public radio.

    What a dick.

  2. Abdallah doesn’t support a ban because he is a chain smoker. Period. When the TOE used to have smoking, Abdallah would come down with a group and eat. He would come to the bar and have about 4-5 cigarettes during his visit. I don’t care if people smoke, but how the F’ck can you enjoy a meal if you are smoking that many cigarettes during it?

  3. I heard this morning on NPR that cigarette sales actually decline during tough economic times. So, could it be possible that tax revenues are dwindling b/c the entire economy is in the crapper?

    I remember when the smoking ban in Columbus, OH went into effect. It was right in the midst of one of the coldest, iciest winters on record. Bar owners complained that the ban was killing their business. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the sheet of ice covering everything and the single-digit temperatures.

    It’s just like all these Republicans complaining that Obama will create a trillion dollar deficit with his stimulus plan while they simultaneously ignore who put us in this mess in the first place. (Actually, this part of my comment should go with the DL Hughley post.)

  4. See, Como, in SD all GOP lawmakers care about is taxing the poor so they can save all of their rich friends money in taxes. When beer, cigarettes and VL revenue goes down and the food tax would be removed, that means the rich would have to actually pay something for once. They like to receive money from the state in the form of no-bid contracts and tax breaks for their businesses not pay in. You have so much to learn.

  5. No, I get what yr sayin’. That seems to be the way things work everywhere. It’s the American way.

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