Maxine pulls out a can of Whoop-Ass on Sunday morning

I’ve seen representative Maxine Waters talk before on C-SPAN, but yesterday on This WEEK she was on fire, she basically called out the GOP’s Bullshit, and said it in an intelligent and simple way. I think they were caught a little flat-footed.

KING: Not one Republican was allowed to take part in the process
in the House.

WATERS: That’s — that is not — that is not the truth.

KING: It is the truth.

WATERS: As a matter of fact, we should focus on, when you had
the opportunity to participate, why not do what those three moderate
Republicans did? Step up to the plate; offer your amendments. You
know, we took all of their amendments.

Do you know we reduced the neighborhood stabilization program by
a couple of billion dollars? We reduced Head Start, Early Start,
school construction. We took the amendments. And so all those who…

And I also found this an interesting tidbit, but not surprising. Why is Congress’ approval numbers so low, blame the GOP.

18 Thoughts on “The only thing the Republicans forgot to bring to the Sunday morning talk-shows was their shovels

  1. Interloper on February 16, 2009 at 10:29 am said:

    OMG. Intelligent? The woman is a firs-class nutcake socialist.

    Can’t wait until she tells the cartoon industry how much money they can’t make.

  2. Well I make about $0, so a paycut wouldn’t affect me. By the way, calling Waters a nutcase when Graham is sitting across the table from her I would have to say is a compliment compared to him.

  3. Interloper on February 16, 2009 at 12:25 pm said:

    Didn’t like what Graham said either.
    How DO you make a living? Suppose Maxine put a cap on it?

  4. Interloper on February 16, 2009 at 12:26 pm said:

    Oh let me guess. Maybe you don’t make a living. You are waiting for the bailout. Like the woman who swooned over Obama and said she wouldn’t have to worry about her mortgage or gasoline any more.

  5. The corporate pay cap was removed from the stimulus. I don’t agree with the cap, but I do think there should be legislation that prohibits CEO and EXECs making 400x more than there employees do. A wage fairness doctrine, so to speak. If they wanna pay themselves $300 million a year, fine, but there employees better be well compensated to.

  6. Interloper on February 16, 2009 at 1:53 pm said:

    Actually, I don’t mind a cap for people who are getting bailed out with taxpayer money.
    The problem with your idea about the 400 percent thing is that it is arbitrary. Who decides what is fair? (Kinda like the broadast thing.) I think that “anything goes” is preferable than a slippery slope of capping anything and who gets to decide.

  7. Yeah, and maybe we should throw out all the labor laws like minimum wage, forty-hour work week, sexual harrassment . . . you get the picture.

  8. Interloper on February 16, 2009 at 4:40 pm said:

    Oh please. That’s bogus and you know it. You can’t answer the question of what the line in the sand should be. And you never answered the question of how you make a living, and what would happen if somebody said you couldn’t make more than X number of dollars a year.

  9. So you think labor laws are bogus? That’s nice.

    I don’t think I have to worry about anyone telling me I can only make X number of dollars a year.

  10. Interloper on February 18, 2009 at 9:11 am said:

    Not the laws. Your argument. And you know it.
    Soooo…’cause nobody is gonna cap your measly pay, everybody else has to succumb? Figures.

  11. Yeah, I do. Just like during WWII when this country is in a crisis I think the sacrifice should be across the board.

  12. Interloper on February 18, 2009 at 12:56 pm said:

    Sacrificing for WWII and for people who made stupid choices (forced at gunpoint by lenders to buy houses they could not afford, ever) are two different things. Heck, I give twice as much as the Bidens did to charities (like food banks and other things) in 2007 and they made more than four times what I did. I’m willing to share. I’m not willing to be told how much money I can make.

  13. Because isn’t that the true meaning of happiness . . . money? Just ask all those people who shot themselves over the Madoff deal.

  14. Interloper on February 18, 2009 at 6:26 pm said:

    Maybe it’s because the Madoff people were idiotic enough to put all their money in one place.
    And money may not be the entire meaning of happiness..but hey, it kinda helps at times. Like if you want to buy an antique car.

  15. So now Antique cars are the meaning of Happiness? You have me confused.

  16. Interloper on February 19, 2009 at 11:12 am said:

    Sorry. I don’t know one car from another. I just thought I saw a picture on your blog of an old car. Bad joke. I admit it.

  17. That thing wasn’t an antique, it was a piece of shit.

  18. Interloper on February 19, 2009 at 1:07 pm said:

    Told ya I don’t know one from another.

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