Looks like the Democrats are once again at the feeding trough
This is what Republicans think of the recently passed stimulus package (H/T – Pity Pat Powers).
– $75 million for smoking cessation programs
Gosh Darn it! Where do these libs get off saving people money on health care costs!
– $50 million for arts funding
Educating our youth about culture!? What’s next?! FREE math, reading and science classes in our public schools!
– $335 million for treatment of STD’s
Larry Craig could have used this program, a few times.
– $1 Billion for Advanced Battery Loan Guarantee Program
Global Warming is myth, just ask Jay Trobec. Green energy just encourages hippies and pot smoking.
– $150 million for Smithsonian maintenance
Employing museum employees to learn us about American history is unacceptable! What you need to know about American history can be taught in a couple of paragraphs.
– $600 Million for cars for government employees
What! Another bailout for the American Car companies!? Pretty soon they are going to ask us for a $750 billion dollar bailout with no oversight, or a $1.4 trillion dollar tax cut for companies that send jobs overseas or a $750 billion dollar endless war in the Mideast. Geeeeezzz, the nerve of the Democrats!