More words of wisdom from our former VP. Cheney gives his take on the crappy economy;

Well, there are all kinds of arguments to be made on that point. But there’s something that is more important than the specific numbers you’re talking about, and that had to be priority for our administration.

Eight months after we arrived, we had 9/11. We had 3,000 Americans killed one morning by al Qaeda terrorists here in the United States. We immediately had to go into the wartime mode. We ended up with two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some of that is still very active. We had major problems with respect to things like Katrina, for example. All of these things required us to spend money that we had not originally planned to spend, or weren’t originally part of the budget.

Stuff happens. And the administration has to be able to respond to that, and we did.

… We always said — I always said that wartime scenario is cause for an exception in terms of spending. It was appropriate in World War II, certainly, and I think it’s appropriate now.

And of course, he still keeps ranting about Obama not being tough. Well guess what Dick, we picked a smart one this time, not a bully.

Cheney repeated his previous assertions that President Obama’s policies on terrorism have made the country less safe.

Cheney praised the Bush administration’s terrorism efforts. “I think those programs were absolutely essential to the success we enjoy, of being able to collect the intelligence that let us defeat all further attempts to launch attacks against the United States since 9/11,” he said.

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14 Thoughts on “And why are MSM journalists(?) still interviewing this Dick?

  1. Remarkable. I’m trying to recall: did Al Gore make the media rounds trashing the new President’s policies in March 2001? Did Walter Mondale do the same in March 1981?

  2. Ghost of Dude on March 16, 2009 at 7:32 am said:

    It’s CYA. Though I never thought of Cheney as someone who gave a rat’s ass about his legacy.

  3. l3wis on March 16, 2009 at 7:41 am said:

    Just making sure his secret assasination crew killed off his enemies (dictators he cut deals with in the past). He’s probably still running the operation.

  4. Why is the MSM still interviewing the dick? Because they work for right leaning corporations who obfuscate propaganda as news; whom cannot discern an intel report; whom cannot foretell a once-in-a century bubble and economic debacle from “Happy Days”. Also note the powder puff 60 Minutes’ Pelly had with Bernancke – all softball questions, no follow-up.

    If the corporate networks wanted NEWS to come from the interviews, they would made the interviewer John Stewart.

  5. l3wis on March 16, 2009 at 1:21 pm said:

    Yeah, no shit about Pelly. WTF was up with that interview? And Bernake, “I hung up the phone hard a couple of times.” Ewwwwwwwww, you sure must of scared them, that’s why they are not handing out bonuses left and right, buying corporate jets and throwing parties.


  6. Interloper on March 16, 2009 at 6:59 pm said:

    #1 — Yeah but Jimmy Carter has been spouting off for decades.

    # “Because they work for right leaning corporations who obfuscate propaganda as news.” Really? How does MSNBC, the Obama Propaganda Machine, fit in? Not only that, but MSNBC’s parent company, GE, is getting its bonds backed by the government. Wonder why Olbermann and that ugly b—Maddow aren’t screeching about corporate welfare these days.

  7. l3wis on March 17, 2009 at 6:39 am said:

    Jimmy Carter was a former president, not a VP. He also predicted the mess we are in now because of greed, ignoring green energy and consumerism. Cheney has had zero forsight, in fact, he has been dead wrong about everything.

    You can rip on Olbermann all you want, but taking a shot at Maddow is complete bullshit. She is extremely talented and is the only one in the MSM asking the tough questions, besides John Stewart.

    But no surprise coming from you.

  8. Interloper on March 17, 2009 at 7:59 am said:

    Your “commentary” is virtually nothing but shots.
    And whatever happened to free speech? Just because you think Cheney is wrong, he doesn’t get to say anything?
    What a whiner you are.

  9. Interloper on March 17, 2009 at 8:00 am said:

    And when was the last time Maddow asked the hard questions of a liberal?

  10. l3wis on March 17, 2009 at 8:20 am said:

    ‘Your “commentary” is virtually nothing but shots.’

    Yes, this is a satire site. I know you don’t know what satire is.

    “Just because you think Cheney is wrong, he doesn’t get to say anything?”

    Because he is f’ing libelous. And last I checked free speech doesn’t include libelous statements.

  11. Interloper on March 17, 2009 at 8:50 am said:

    Keep digging. You’re going deeper and deeper into a hole. Free speech is free speech.

  12. Can I borrow your shovel?

  13. Interloper on March 17, 2009 at 11:55 am said:

    You bet. I believe in (voluntary) charity.

    One more comment. Do you mean to tell me that you have never said anything libelous in this forum or on others that you intrude upon?

    Oh, but wait. If you are a fourth-rate cartoonist and “satirist,” you are exempt.

    And…Maddow is an ugly b—. That’s how I see it. But that offends you, even though you use the three-letter “f” word for gay and like to invoke gay sex. But, that’s satire. I get it.

    Have fun.

  14. Actually for a carpet muncher, I think she is pretty cute, but I wasn’t offended by you calling her ugly, I was offended that you questioned her abilities.

    Secondly, there is a difference when you or I share our opinion about the president and when a former VP goes on national television and says Obama is making us less safe. Not only is it a lie and libelous, Cheney is actually making us less safe by making those accusations.

    I like what Gibbs said about the interview, “I guess Rush was too busy to do the interview.”

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