5 Thoughts on “Bitches in the Hot Tub

  1. Interloper on March 14, 2009 at 10:32 am said:

    Wow. This sure is creative.
    I can’t believe you put your name on this junk.
    No wonder you don’t care about making money. You can’t.

  2. hosepheffer on March 14, 2009 at 1:23 pm said:

    wow interloper, can we come to your house and shit on your carpet?

  3. l3wis on March 14, 2009 at 3:16 pm said:

    First off, I wouldn’t expect you to ‘get it’ you are a conservative that has trouble understanding satire.

    Secondly, this is something new I am trying and feeling out, I want to try to do some non-political stuff, so thanks for the feedback.

    And thirdly, funny how I will put my real name on this garbage, but you cannot use your real name to insult me – typical.

  4. Angry Guy on March 15, 2009 at 12:16 am said:

    Hosenpheffer, I think you should have said “we don’t come to your job and knock the dick out of your mouth.”
    Interloper is an anonymous eye poker, just like me. I think we should duel. The loser eats the piece of bread.

  5. l3wis on March 16, 2009 at 6:09 am said:

    WHITE or Wheat?

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