South DaCola

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Big time Sioux Falls developer and councilor campaign contributor and fundraiser, Craig Lloyd, just had his wife Pat appointed to the Parks and Rec board;

Park and Recreation Board Members

Not sure if you remember Craig, who owns Lloyd Companies, but he was the main developer who spearheaded the 2nd penny tax increase to a full penny so he could have taxpayers pay for new roads in his developments. He had this to say at the time in the Argus Leader about it all;

Lloyd said he’s tired of the implication that he and other supporters of the package were up against “the citizens of Sioux Falls.” “Last time I checked, I’m a citizen,” he said. “I pay taxes. I support the community. Am I a second-rate citizen?”

Gee, wonder if Pat’s appointment was bought and paid for? These guys have no shame? Huh? Second-rate citizen my ass! Kinda sounds like you are in front of the line.

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