In Colorado they saw significant drops in heart attacks after the smoking ban took affect;
Hewett says South Dakota could see a drop as many as 400 fewer heart attacks within the first year of a smoking ban. He cites a study conducted in Pueblo, Colorado, which found the number of people admitted for heart attacks dropped 27 percent in 18 months, and 41 percent in 3 years after a smoking ban was implemented.
How dare government is concerned about the health of the public! They should be smoking, drinking and gambling instead of taking care of themselves!
YIKES! My bullshit detector just went off like an air-raid siren! They tell us that LONG-TERM exposure to smoke CAN cause heart disease – but the instant you make people stop inhaling it – you IMMEDIATELY save 400 lives! In the FIRST YEAR! Come on…
If that’s true, then why not just tell the kids “go ahead and smoke! All you have to do is quit when you get older and you’ll be fine! Just look at the smoking ban; people that smoked all their lives will live much longer now that we passed a law!”
Give me a break…
HEY! I’ve got an idea! Let’s just make heart-attacks illegal! K?
Gee-willikers, isn’t legislation WONDERFUL?!?!?!
“The study assumed declines in the amount of secondhand smoke in Pueblo buildings after the ban, but did not try to measure that. The researchers also did not sort out which heart attack patients were smokers and which were not, so it’s unclear how much of the decline can be attributed to reduced secondhand smoke”
So… yeah, this smoking ban will save lots and lots of lives and Hewitt’s farts smell like roses and it never rains in South Dakota.
You have to understand Randall that when people quit smoking a long range of things can occur in your health, blood pressure goes down almost within a few months for one thing. It’s believable.
“In the first year of the ban the drop was really 7.2%, not the 17% claimed. The year before the ban it was 10%, so the ban caused a 3% decrease in the trend. And the year after that the number of heart attacks rose to 7.8%, the first rise in a decade. This not only completely erased the decease, it was a complete reversal of the trend. Since the nicotine nannies always claim any decrease in heart attacks is the direct result of bans, using their logic we must also conclude that the 7.8% increase was also a direct result of the ban. Therefore, we have proof that smoking bans cause heart attacks!”
…there are more articles on how what Hewitt claims is just pure bullshit…
BUT, it’s irrelevant. Mikey Rounds will sign the bill into law and the nazi-staters win again, as they always will.
It shouldn’t matter to ME – I quit smoking two years ago and it’s MY choice not to smoke. But I just HATE the idea of being told I CAN’T smoke anymore.
And I HATE being lied to…