By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Even though the city has over 1,200 employees we still have to spend $34 million in professional services”
  1. This is indicative of one thing: the elected and management officials are not leading. They are not setting and demanding performance from city employees. As a result the taxpayers pay twice for what should be the same performance. Of course this too often leads to crony-capitalist arrangements.

    “There are no bad regiments, only bad colonels.” -Napoleon

  2. Even if the consultants are doing something nobody in the city government is trained to do, wouldn’t it make more sense to hire someone to do it instead of paying 2-3x more for a consultant?

  3. Yes, that would make sense, but you have to realize that pay-to-play has been legal for so long in South Dakota, politicians don’t think twice about paying back special interest campaign contributors. This is really what it is all about. If you have the time and will you can connect the dots.

  4. City employees are hired favors. It would be much cheaper to use contractors and lay off at least half of them. Consultants are someone politicians pay to tell you what you want to hear. When you’re caught, blame the consultant and slip out the back way.

  5. “The bathroom sex consultant told me that if I went to this bathroom I wouldn’t get caught.” – Larry Craig. “Oh, and BTW, I’m not gay.”

  6. All those trips through the MPLS airport and I didn’t even know about hte bathroom sex until Larry Craig. Good thing I don’t have a wide stance.

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