Now I know how John Stewart feels. I also, am apparently a member of the South Dakota Democratic Party, even though I am a registered Indy. I guess the Dems will take anyone these days!

The executive director of the South Dakota Democratic Party, Rick Hauffe, stated in the article that the state’s Democratic Party didn’t sponsor the protest. However, according to the Web site, on March 20, “Therefore the SDDP is holding a rally (tomorrow) at 2 p.m. outside of the Chamber of Commerce. We need people from all walks of life to attend …” Perhaps the Argus Leader didn’t see that statement when it was fact checking while writing the article.

Um, I don’t think the Argus comes to my site to find ‘facts’. Gawd I hope not. BTW, I posted the protest announcement because it was emailed to me, and the fact that I think John Thune is pathetic back-stabbing liar.

Their protests ring hollow in the face of all the hardworking folks doing the right things, sacrificing their fortunes to start a business and, hopefully, run it profitably. Are the Democrats cutting off the hand that feeds them?

Last I checked most Democrats are hardworking, middle-class Americans not greedy rich Republican business owners. If the Democrats get the Employee Free Choice Act to pass, they will be doing the work of their constituents for once, not as you are suggesting.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Laugh of the Day – SouthDaCola being quoted as a reliable news source”
  1. They apparently didn’t read all the comments on the article before deciding this site was the voice of the democratic party.
    Did anyone show up for the protest?

  2. Not sure, I didn’t see anything in the news about it. I’m the voice of the Communist Party according to Sibby.

  3. Communists, socialists, democrats, indies… what’s the difference? They all hate ‘Murrica and the Baby Jesus, don’t they?

  4. Where did this article come from there wasn’t a link.

    I saw about 20 people out front of the chamber building that day. But I didn’t see Thune. My invite must have gotten lost in the mail or I haven’t contributed enough $$$ to be there.

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