South DaCola

Meghan McCain for RNC Chair?

I have been becoming more enthralled with Ms. McCain these days. I enjoy reading her columns about politics and if there is ever a rising star in the party, it’s not that hillbilly Palin, but it’s Meghan. She is critical of her party because she wants them to change. A word that makes any old school Republican shake with convulsions. Like most libs, I would love to see the party disappear but I do think the wiser move would be to change, as Meghan has suggested.

What do I think can change the RNC? Make Meghan chair. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, she’s young and energetic, and she gets along with democrats. She also thinks the RNC should ditch the ways of the old; for instance use the internets more, steer away from divisive social issues like abortion, gay marriage and evangelicals. She also is a strong advocate of supporting women in the party.

I think if the old party faithful don’t change their ways, they will end up with no party at all or a breakaway moderate party lead by McCain.

She may be just a young whipper snapper, but if Republicans aren’t listening to what she is suggesting you’ll be history by 2010.

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