March 2009

“Oh Crap!” – Munson

There was a funny moment in the informational meeting on Monday (not at the beginning chatter, they have wised up and figured out to edit that part out).

Councilor Brown suggested after hearing complaints from several citizens about city employee pay increases that the HR department come and explain how many employees got a more than standard pay increase.

Munson got all worked up when Litz suggested they come to next week’s info meeting and give us the numbers. Munson says, (paraphrasing) “Uh, well, uh, that has to do with Union contracts, and we really shouldn’t, uh, get involved with that. (plop, plop)”

Obviously Munson was trying to deflect the testimony because he damn well knows that the unions only got standard raises and what Brown was referring to was non-union department heads who got the major raises.

After Munson’s pants crapping statement, Litz basically tells him, too-bad too-sad, and says the testimony will be scheduled for next Monday.

We’ll see what kind of excuses arise between now and then.

Ironic Johnny at it again, spinning the BS

John is sounding the fire alarms with the much ado about nothing (From Kelo-TV):

Senator John Thune says changes to contracting guidelines could result in favoritism to unionized construction contractors bidding on federally funded projects in South Dakota and other right-to-work states.

Thune says the billions of dollars for “shovel ready” projects make the stakes even more lucrative for bidders.

Jackass Number Two divx

He says he worries that recent changes in the awarding of federal contracts could create unfair conditions for potential bids from nonunion companies.

The South Dakota Republican says such companies should not lose out on contracts just because they’re not unionized.

He is right that the bids will ‘prefer’ union contractors but it is not a ‘requirement’. Besides, I would prefer union workers did the job anyway, they get paid fairly for their work and most times do better work and are more professional. Of course John would rather see $8 an hour illegals building are roads instead.

Sioux Falls Project TRIM should be called Project Inconvenience

Hey Teacher, Leave those kids alone!

Okay, I was wrong about the city harassing me in reference to my tree trimming, they were actually harrassing an entire district.

I was discussing the issue with someone who lives in my district yesterday, and she received a letter also. The problem I have with the letters is that this is ‘blanket’ code enforcement. In other words, everyone in the district is assumed guilty until proven innocent.

The letters are not specific about what trees you should trim. Obviously, for me, it is easy, I only have one tree on my boulevard. But what about people with multiple trees? Or what about people who don’t need their trees trimmed? Did they get letters to?

Code enforcement should be on complaint basis ONLY. Blanket code enforcement is silly, it is assuming that EVERYONE in the district is a irresponsible home owner that doesn’t have enough sense to know when to trim our trees. Trust me, the last place I would go to get advice about responsibility and common sense is from a city employee. That’s why complaint basis works best.

I’m getting sick and tired of the city treating it’s property tax payers and citizens like little kids. No wonder it costs so much to run Parks and Rec, they are busy bugging law abiding citizens instead trying to find ways to save us money.

Which brings me to another topic;

Rumor has it the Parks director said my ‘numbers were off’ in my letter to the editor about the bloated Parks budget. I used a $33 million dollar figure instead of $31 million dollar figure which I guess is the actual operating budget (which would bring the per acre maintenance cost down to aproximately $10,800 per acre instead of $11,500), which IMO is still too damn much. But I guess his biggest concern was that I didn’t breakdown how the money was spent. Who cares. An operating budget is an operating budget, I simplified it by using the amount of acres and simple division. It doesn’t matter how you ‘break it down’ at the end of the day $31 million is still being spent by Parks and Rec taking care of our parks. With that large of a budget that is obviously complex, don’t you think we can trim some fat? I think so, and that doesn’t change a damn thing.

Another example of how our public officials have failed us

Another hardworking Eastern South Dakota politician in their element

Maybe it’s the cynic in me, or maybe it’s that I follow politics too closely, but none of this surprises me, especially here in the Sioux Empire;

A former office manager for the Sioux Empire Fair Association has been charged with embezzling almost $250,000 from the fair in 2007 and 2008.

Is the manager to blame, most certainly, but she was so blantant about it it makes you wonder who was paying attention? Adamski certainly wasn’t, he was getting gifts given to him by her (hopefully he will be brought up on charges also). The fair board certainly wasn’t and the Minnehaha county commission certainly didn’t give a rip.

Why not? Because that’s the times we live in folks, out of touch politicians who ‘don’t want to get involved’ or ‘Know the details’. Just look at the Sioux Falls city council, they vote on bonds all the time without knowing or even caring about the details. In fact, they probably don’t know to this day how much interest we will be paying on the Levee bond, yet they already approved it. Who cares – not my money.

When something like the Sioux Empire fair, which is fairly successful starts losing money hand over fist, fire alarms should have went off, people should have been asking questions and external audits should have been done yearly, in good times and bad times. This whole ‘I’m upset about it’ won’t freaking cut it anymore. Action NOT Anger will solve problems.

Can we trust our elected officials anymore to watch out for taxpayer’s money? I’m starting to lose what little hope I have had.

We’ve heard this song and dance before

Supposedly we are finally getting some Lewis & Clark money from the FEDS;

This week, state officials are relieved that the Senate is poised to pass a wide-ranging $410 billion spending bill that includes $27 million for the system.

Okay, it’s probably true this time since none of our Washington delegation is running for office in 2009 they won’t be using it as a bargaining chip to get our Mayor to put on little TV commercial theatrics.

“It would have been a disaster if we were to get zero dollars,” said Troy Larson, Lewis & Clark’s executive director,

Damn right it would be Troy, because than you would have to figure out how to finish the project without the FEDs or pay the taxpayer’s of Sioux Falls back for all the money we have handed over to you already even though we have not seen one drop of water yet.