South DaCola

Remember all those bat shit crazy protesters in front of Johnson’s office over the stimulus package?

Now it’s our turn to shine the light on Ironic Johnny;



Sen. John Thune will be at the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce tomorrow at 2:00pm to talk about his reasons for not supporting the “Employee Free Choice Act,” which is supported by both Herseth and Johnson.  

This just came from Thune’s office:

WASHINGTON, D.C. —Senator John Thune will join representatives from the South Dakota business community, including the health care, retail, and agricultural sectors, to discuss the impact that “card check” union organization would have on South Dakota on Friday, March 20th. Senator Thune is an outspoken opponent of card check.

“Simply put, card check union organization strips workers of a cherished American right to a secret ballot vote,” said Thune.


THE TRUTH, HOWEVER, IS THIS:  Under the proposed legislation, workers get to choose the union formation process—elections or majority sign-up. Under current law, employers make the choice. 

So Thune told a bold-faced lie? Big surprise. It’s the only thing he has been good at since he has been in Washington.


I think Thune’s true motivation is illustrated in his next sentence: “Increased unionization through card check organization and binding arbitration will mean higher costs for industries across South Dakota, leading to job losses and higher costs for consumers of many goods and services.”  Thune does not support working men and women and is using scare tactics to create a smoke screen.


It’s time that we draw public attention to John Thune‘s true focus and his track record.  He supported the Wall Street bail-out, but did not support the Economic Stimulus package that will help families across the state of South Dakota.  Even Gov. Rounds supported this legislation!  South Dakota’s voters need to recognized that John Thune does not have their best interest at heart.

It’s also time to reveal all the earmarks he put in a bill that he voted against. Can you say, ‘I want my cake and I want to eat it to?’



Therefore the SDDP is holding a rally tomorrow at 2:00pm outside of the Chamber of Commerce.  We need people from all walks of life to attend – men, women, older and younger, to show that John Thune’s policies simply do not reflect the interests of the vast majority of South Dakotans.



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