South DaCola

Sioux Falls Area Super Dooper Pooper Sale a Huge Hit!

Hi there! 

My family wanted to let you all know what a wonderful time we had at this special Sioux Falls Area Super Dooper Pooper 3-day sale.

As our beloved civic-minded leader, Mayorless Munchkin, instructed us to do when city economic times are good (like today), then we EggBerts UNITE & go out & BUY lots of stuff & crap! (some candid EggBert Family action photos in town this weekend are below) –

The quality of the items up for sale was just unreal.  Here are some of the terrific items our family purchased in order to help stimulate ourselves and the local area economy…

Gramps Grumpy Gumps scooped up some deals on ice cream at Ken & Gerry’s Ice Cream Wax Parlour. 

Neighbor, Creamy Nugent picked up some 2-fer-1 dog dildos for herself & pooch, Pubes, at Kermit’s Petco.

Granny Gumption ventured downtown to pick up her free city calendar & to enjoy Mayorless Munchkinland.

Niece Nellie’s boyfriend, Petey Schwetty, reported to us that he got some cheap screws at Ace Hardlyware.

Uncle Rusty bought up some cheap Indoor Pool stock options from Vernal Brownie’s Pleasure Dream Dome.

Neighbor, Jed Nugent, bought a discounted mouse crumb at Jamison Junior’s jumbo Houses For Sale.

Aunt Bertha purchased & planted development seeds into Big Bob’s Bicep Shop & Golden Boy Garden.

Neighbor, Ned Nugent, enjoyed a wild time with a low-cost hole in the wall at Pat’s Borrowed Buckaroos.

Neice Nellie bought some pawn pieces at Dee Dee K’s House of Chess Porn.

Me? I bought a little of everything, or as I like to call it – I bought our children’s future in Sioux Falls, because with this sale having been such a HUGE success, everyone wins.  I just wanted to do my share for our local, state-wide, and national economy. Mostly, I hope and pray that our collective use of purchasing power this weekend helped with local arterial road development, to pay for more city workers, and to pay higher salaries for current poor city workers.


EggBert (The Super Dooper Pooper Soo Falls Sales Man!)

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