In ten words or less, sum up Douche Limbaugh’s existence, and the DNC will put it on a billboard in his home town…. and give you a T-shirt. Do you think they use Cafe Press too?

The only word I can think of is ‘douchenozzle’. Or should that be two words?

10 thoughts on “The DNC takes a page from SouthDacola.”
  1. “Rush Limbaugh is a big, fat liar” h/t Al Franken

    “Trust Rush and Sarah with the launch key codes”

    “Vote for Rush or he’ll eat you”

    “Jabbah the Rush”

  2. “Mr. Limbaugh, your free publicity has arrived”

    “As boogeymen go, you’re almost as good as Rove and Cheney.”

    “Mr. Limbaugh, we think you’re still relevant too”

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