Kinda sounds like it.

He has gotten over 200 hits! Wow! It’s good to see someone beat out Sibby. I bet after the KDLT story he got another 20 hits.

Here is the website, the link is broken in the KDLT story.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “Is this kid related to Ghost of Dude?”
  1. I’ve talked to him. He’s a smart guy and has a pretty good plan. He was also on the airport master plan committee – at age 11. Initially (like a year or so ago), he was big on building an EC where I-29 and I-229 meet.

    Unless I “met” his mom when I was 12, he isn’t mine.

  2. Not bad considering they only showed the URL for about two seconds last night.

  3. He created a topic on the Argus Forums which likely accounts for a good share of those hits.

  4. Admittedly the kid is smart. But his achilles heel is his own website and the study he refers to in his Argus thread. They are both FULL of holes.

  5. Location, size, what it looks like – who cares. How you gonna pay for it. It’s kinda like buying a car, until you know what you can afford you don’t go out looking a Benzs.

  6. Or do you?
    Head to the dealership wearing a nice suit and see how many times they offer you a test drive.

  7. I test drove a 300Z once, that was fun. The salesman was with me. When I got it on the interstate, he said “you can lay it down” It was fun to watch his teeth rattle in his mouth when head hit the back of the seat.

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