
At this point we are going to continue the drive. We had about 20 volunteers show up to the meeting today that was taped in it’s entirety by KELO TV news. We also had a suspicious visitor who turned out to be a lawyer with a major firm in town. He told us that he didn’t agree with the drive but said it looks like we have a legal right to move forward. He also made sure that he wasn’t in camera range.

Vernon Brown also showed up to listen, but Theresa did get him to agree ‘to look into’ the 6 month rolling date. Theresa also clarified to Vernon that she did not promise the city clerk verbally or in writing that we would be done April 10, and in fact, when Theresa filed the petition, the city clerk was not present only the assistants, so it wasn’t even physically possible to promise it verbally. I think Vernon was a little surprised by that.

Our goal is to wrap this up quickly, hopefully within a month.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Petition Drive update”
  1. What?! The 3000 teabagging fools failed to show up to actually DO SOMETHING about right wingers perpetual tax and spend?!Oh be still my heart. And there were even TV cameras present – they missed more free publicity, we missed the opportunity to see men in bad whigs, obese men wearing pointy hats, etc. Oh cruel world.

  2. Funny huh. It’s okay to spend tax money on illegal wars and million dollar historically correct windows on the Pavilion. But spending money on road repair and tree trimming is silly.

    Stormland TV actually did a good story about it; I guess the News director wasn’t available to chop it to pieces this weekend:

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