
Don’t think you haven’t thought about it (From Stormland TV;

A federal judge sentenced a Sioux Falls man to probation, a fine and restitution for sending a letter containing animal feces in the mail.

Forty-five-year-old Jeffrey Dezeeuw pleaded guilty to a count of mailing injurious articles.

Prosecutors said he smeared the excrement on a traffic citation, a note and cash that he sent to the Minnehaha County Clerk of Courts on July 21.

Dezeeuw was sentenced to three years of probation, a $500 fine and ordered to pay restitution of $451.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Shitty ticket (litterly)”
  1. I could just see him sitting in his easy chair drinking a PBR Silo and dragging on a Doral thinking to himself “It was worth every dollar of the $951 dollar fine.” And smiling ear to ear.

  2. I’m gald they punished him. Instead of feelign good about it, I bet he feels pretty stupid.

    I can understand being pissed about the ticket, but taking it out on a clerk (who had nothing to do with it) isn’t solving the issue. I sincerely doubt we pay the clerks enough to put up with that kind of thing, and the next time you’re standing in line at the courthouse and wondering why all the employees look like someone just took a dump in their cheerios….just keep in mind that it might have actually happened.

  3. “I bet he feels pretty stupid.”

    I’ll agree with that part, considering his name was published in the story.

    “I sincerely doubt we pay the clerks enough to put up with that kind of thing”

    Don’t you mean ‘that kind of shit’?

  4. I didn’t want to resort to the pun, but yea… thats pretty much the case.

    I think I found a trend here though. Because the Parks & Rec workers do have to deal with dog shit on a regular basis, that probably explains why some of they make over $50,000 to mow lawns.

  5. I feel bad for goose shit scraper, during the summer I see him scraping goose shit off the bike trail by Sertoma park and using a leaf blower to blow it off. He is usually out there every morning.

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