South DaCola

Tax day stupidity


“You say you wanna revolution? Put the guns away- we’re loading up on hotdogs and wealthy quacktorpractors!”

“If they ignore us this time, they’re gonna see a REVOLUTION by next year, I feel,” Unruh said.

I guess the fine doctor(?) has become a radical pro-choice or gay marriage activist.

It’s a protest of historic proportions and meant to send a strong message to the President, Senators and Representatives.  Organizers hope Tea Parties on Tax Day will raise awareness about excessive government spending.

Yes, because nothing is more revolutionary then rich people protesting and eating hot dogs. FIRE THE CANNONS and FIRE UP THE GRILL!

“We need tax relief.  We don’t want higher taxes, we cannot punish the people who create 98 percent of the jobs,” Allen Unruh said.

Like them poor abstinence educators? I’ll give Allen credit for this statement, at least he is being honest about being against taxing the rich. Which I still find hilarious. 90% of Americans have gotten a tax cut, the government is FINALLY spending taxdollars domestically, the Iraq War (hopefully) will be over in 2010, and Obama plans to cut the deficit in half in 5 years by increasing taxes on the weathly (the best and most effective way).

And that’s really what they are protesting. So you would think this tax increase is enormous by how radical they are acting. Yeah it is pretty shocking. The tax rate is going to go from 35% to 39%. Yup, a whopping 4%! Whoa Nellie! The country will crumble.

The neocons are not fooling anyone. This is an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat rally. Plain and simple.

I’ll be waiting for the revolution . . .  in my lawn chair.

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