South DaCola

The Fourth Estate failing us in Sioux Falls? Who knew?


Dick being a Dick – What he does best

This letter points out how inept our MSM is in Sioux Falls. Something us bloggers have known for a very, very, long time The Karate Kid rip !

The role of the print media clearly has become something that is at best an embarrassment to the world.

I will try to link the stories below;

1. The South Dakota House and Senate passed a States Sovereignty Resolution HCR 1013, which reasserts the state’s rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

This Resolution is pretty much a middle finger from South Dakota politicians to Federal Politicians.

2. Seymour Hersh reported that the military/CIA was running an executive assassination ring that reported to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Some in the MSM have actually covered this story. Hersh is usually hit and miss, but if I had to make bets on this story being true, I would bet on it.

3. Baxter International, a company that prepares and distributes flu vaccines, was caught attempting to ship to some 16 countries, vaccines that had been mixed with the live avian flu virus, which would have caused a pandemic. Researchers say that it was impossible for this to have happened accidentally.

One more reason why I don’t get a flu shot, eat peanut butter, or play frisbee golf.

4. The U.S. House of Representatives and then the U.S. Senate passed a national draft or national compulsory service bill.

This legislation is long overdue. The letter writer would like you to think that this create a ‘Nazi Youth’ in our country, but quite the contrary.

Who need the Gargoyle Leader and Stormland TV when you have the Googles!

Bulletproof Monk release

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