The nerd in me likes combing over city reports in search for tidbits. I found a couple today in last month’s financial report and a curious abatement request in the city council agenda.

First with the financial report, it seems we were down from last year in April, but still up for the year, barely. I suspect though we will come out ahead by year’s end. But I also think that the recession has hit Sioux Falls, and will still be affecting us next year at this time. The one thing I have noticed about South Dakota is the recession recovery takes longer, because of our modest lifestyles and lack of middleclass wealth. It will be interesting to watch the budget hearings for 2010.


April                       2009                       2008

Sales/Use Tax    2,810,791             2,848,615

CIP TAX               2,586,144             2,620,749

ENT. Tax             316,418                 329,390

Lodging Tax        46,289                   30,731

Total YTD

Sales/Use Tax    12,936,792           12,773,818

CIP TAX                11,902,105           11,752,056

ENT. Tax              1,463,368             1,382,215

Lodging Tax        148,798                  126,698

In the city council agenda, I found and interesting property tax abatement request;


Lifelight Communications Inc., 2601 S. Western Avenue, for 2008 property taxes in the amount of $8,479.51. Lifelight was granted exempt status in 2009 and they are now requesting abatement for the 362 days owned in 2008.


While I don’t have a problem with non-profits getting tax exempt status to get a relief in taxes, I find it curious that Lifelight would buy property without having the status setup first to get this tax relief. I’m kind of on the fence about the abatement, since it isn’t very much, but will be curious what LifeLight’s argument will be at the meeting. I guess if I was establishing a non-profit, I would get my status in check before buying property, but hey, what do I know, I’m just a heathen.

By l3wis

  1. I find it curious that Lifelight would buy property without having the status setup first to get this tax

    They knew that they could go back and request an abatement. It is kind of scummy way of doing businiess. But the Lord (Calvert) is on their side. How could the be wrong?

  2. It will be interesting to see what there argument will be Monday night. I’m sure the council will give them the abatement, like I have said in the past, the sales tax revenue given back to the city is probably pretty sizable, so what’s $8,500? But hey, the law is the law, and if you can’t follow it you have to pay the piper. I guess I’m willing to hear them out. Greene can talk his way out of any situation, (I’m sure it has to do with being full of the Holy Spirit and all)

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