Hey indoor pool supporters, get over it already;

Meanwhile, the two women who collected signatures and brought the issue to voters watched the ceremony from the audience. Cheryl Rath and Theresa Stehly were not acknowledged, nor were they permitted to participate.

Walking Shadow hd

Rath called it an “emotional” and “wonderful” day. But she said supporters of the indoor pool still resent the fact that voters rejected their plan.

“I guess my hope was that there would be more grace,” Rath said. “I guess I was hoping they would let go after the public vote.

Once again, citizen advocates are treated with disdain by the Munson administration. No surprise. I really believe if the indoor pool plan presented would have been different then the other over 8 indoor pools we have in Sioux Falls at private fitness centers already, the voters would have approved it. I also think that if the city would have budgeted for the pool out of the CIP instead of borrowing for it, it would have been met with no opposition. But the city doesn’t listen to the public, heck, even when the SnowFox swim team had scores of supporters show up to a council meeting to give their vision for the indoor pool, they were rejected. A freaking swim team!

Another head shaker goes down in the books for Sioux Falls.

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Don't drink the water at the new Drake Springs pool, it's a little 'bitter'”
  1. It’s just like to the Argus to cause problems. Why do they have to try to make the Mayor and Chamber look bad. Stehly shouldn’t have even been there let alone give a quote to the Argus.

  2. I’d say there was plenty of disdain lobbed at City Hall from the opponents side as well, along with some unfounded and inaccurate accusations about the City finance’s in general.

    As we all saw, that whole ordeal was more about getting Stehly something to rant about for her CC campaign than any of that “think about the children’s future” BS she was pedaling.

  3. Stehly shouldn’t have even been there let alone give a quote to the Argus.

    So now the public isn’t even allowed attend PUBLIC events and be allowed to make statements affording by the CONSTITUTION?

  4. First off Sy, we may disagree on the indoor/outdoor thing. But don’t you agree with me that the city’s plan for the indoor pool wasn’t anything NEW or different? I would have supported it if it was a competitive pool that also had walls that they could open during the summer. It wasn’t any different then the private indoor pools that already exist in SF. I just think that the city shouldn’t be competing with private business, and that’s all this pool would have been.

    As for the new outdoor pool, I guarantee it will be the most popular pool in SF by the end of the summer. Other cities that have ‘Lazy rivers’ are huge, because parents can take there toddlers down it and get them acclemated with swimming pools and water.

    And thirdly, for all you naysayers about Rath and Stehly, trust me, they care very much about the neighborhood. They were promised from the beginning that they could plant flower beds (with their own time and money) by the pool when it was completed. The Parks and Rec tried to renig on this and Theresa had to reconvince them again, and it looks like it will be moving forward. She is taking donations to buy the flowers if you want to give to it. I know that De Knudson already gave her $100.

    So yes Sy, they do care about the kids.

  5. Hey Sy, I have a hangman puzzle for you.
    | |
    | 0
    | \|/
    | |
    | /

    _TFU _Y!

    Good luck.

  6. Over the years I’ve been to a few ribbon cuttings for city projects. I was at the Drake Springs ribbon cutting on Friday and thought the ceremony was done with dignity and brevity (hard for the political types there who like to suck air). I have never been at one of these ribbon cuttings where someone other than the mayor, chamber folks, or donor of the land spoke. Why should anyone else be speaking at these events?

    As a former resident of the neighborhood around Drake Springs, I know that it is about time that dinosaur that was there was replaced. I know the kids in the neighborhood will make good use of the new pool. And, I also know that few of those kids have the ability or the cash to go to places like Wild Water West.

  7. Hey AG, How about I STFU right after I zip my pants and you wipe off your chin, does that work for you?

  8. Dad-

    I don’t think this was about Stehly and Rath speaking, I just think it would have been nice to recognize there efforts.

    Talk about sour grapes.

  9. Shouldn’t the fact that they got a new pool built at considerable taxpayer savings be tribute enough? There was enough cain raised about this, you’d think the pool would be a testament to Stehly’s efforts.

    I thought it was all about saving taxpayer dough, not face time in the media.

  10. I went and looked at the pool today, they had lifesaver training, so it was operational. It’s pretty cool.

    Like I said above, it will be the most popular pool in town by the end of Summer.

    Indoor pool people – Suck it!

  11. You can STFU whenever you are done working through your homosexual fantasies.. I’m fine with that. Just as long as you STFU.

    “Indoor pool people – Suck it!”
    Sy, looks like it’s your turn at the plate.

  12. “Sy, looks like it’s your turn at the plate.”

    TY, no fantasizing goin’ on here. I was just working of the Dude’s previous metaphoric description of your lame routine that you didn’t raise any objection to, so I went with it. I’ve always found the Dude to be a rather intuitive fellow, haven’t you?

    Did you ever consider that maybe you truly are obsessed with my crotch and just don’t know it yet? That certainly would explain the anger, confusion, frustration, stalking tendancies, etc.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered, just don’t roll that way. Maybe try Craigslist while you still can.

  13. l3wis:

    “And City Hall will come back at you with full force when you question their poor decisions.”

    I think you can spare us all the hyperbole here. Or do you have some evidence of “full force” you’d like to share? So they didn’t get recognized @ the ribbon cutting, so what? Kinda cute how you tell the supporters of an indoor pool to move on when you can’t seem to.

  14. I have moved on. But the fact remains, that pool would not be in it’s current form if it was not for Rath’s and Stehly’s efforts.

    Secondly, over the weekend I have had several discussions with people who have come and seen the place. We all seem to be in agreement, the pool is pretty plain in comparison to Terrace Park. Not that I care, I think anything that is public should be functional and built to last, and if there is extra money you can work on aestethics. But some are wondering if the full $4.7 million that was borrowed for the project was used? The petition specifically said that the city COULD NOT spend more then $4.7 million, but said nothing about spending less than that. A couple of councilors are checking into it. But I find it disengenious that the city council would vote to bond $4.7 million to spend on a pool, then some of that money was taken to work on other projects. I guess the three things I was disappointed with Drake Springs was the prison like chainlink fence, the very small diving pool, and the fact that to the west of the pool there is plenty of room to have a small baseball field or football field (something the city said there was no room for initially). I will curious to see how much of the $4.7 million was spent on Drake Springs.

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