South DaCola

Finally a smart petition drive

Looks like the medical Mary Jane petition is back. Let’s pass it this time South Dakota. It is the compassionate and smart thing to do;

Documents were filed Monday to seek a statewide public vote on a proposed law that would legalize marijuana in South Dakota as a medical treatment for severe and chronic pain.

“They know this law is best for South Dakota versus what we have now, which calls these patients criminals,” said Emmett Reistroffer of Sioux Falls.

The proposal would legalize the limited use of marijuana to treat severe debilitating pain, nausea, seizures and other medical problems. Those eligible would include people suffering from cancer, glaucoma, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases.

Supporters have argued that marijuana is effective in easing pain, muscle spasms and the nausea that can accompany chemotherapy treatments for cancer.

Of course the distractors have B.S. excuses as to why this is bad ‘for the kids’

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However law enforcement officials have opposed the effort to legalize marijuana for medical use, saying such a move would lead to increased use by teenagers. Marijuana also can cause loss of energy and motivation, moodiness and difficulty in concentration, opponents argue.

Well, if you are battling Cancer, I’m sure you have quite a bit of these symptoms with or without the use of marijuna. But the benefit is the alleveation of pain and suffering.

Even if South Dakota legalized medical marijuana, users and caregivers could be charged with federal offenses because federal law continues to outlaw the drug, law enforcement officials have said.

And that is why the more states that pass this, we can pressure the Feds to change the law.

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