By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Gay hating boobies?”
  1. I actually think she looked better in the “before” photo. Those new sweater kittens are too far apart so they don’t really help anything.

  2. Nothing like a couple of baloons pinned to a bag of antlers to make the pants feel all funny.

  3. I like drifglass had to say about it all:

    “As much as I might wish they had simply perished under the sheer weight of their own depravity, one cannot cannot underestimated the deleterious effect on earlier bigot coalitions of looking really bad on teevee. The camera does not love pasty, sneering, bloated, tick-riddled rednecks, which is why the post-Nixon GOP has always kept an eye out for Teh Compliant Stupid sporting good tits and fuck-me hair.”

  4. Another thing. Where were these bikinis that require pube waxing in order to wear them last time I was at a beach?

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