5 Thoughts on “Imagine that, a city not spending money until they have it in their hands

  1. The point is it they were surprised by the extra $500K and like SF had a list of stuff they wanted to do. If the shoe was on the other foot and they were 500K short, they would be scrambling to delay stuff or cut them altogether. Big question is would that scenario have been as shocking to them, and if so, who’s doing their forecasting?

    And those looks you get are from the old rut mindset that SF needs to shed: You ain’t from here, you must be different. We all know different is bad.

  2. Costner on May 27, 2009 at 6:55 am said:

    Although it’s great for the city of Brandon to have excess funds, it makes me wonder what their contingency plan was if they ran short. Maybe instead of spending their windfall on projects which were obviously not necessary they could put that money into a reserve fund for the next time they run short.

    Then, when that rainy day comes they will still have the money for their budget instead of having to raise taxes or cut core programs or projects.

    I realize saving isn’t the South Dakota way and everything, but could it really hurt?

  3. l3wis on May 27, 2009 at 7:03 am said:


    First off, Brandon is not a dump, in fact it is growing like crazy, and has one of the best public school systems in the state, all while being fiscally responsible.

    I would assume, that their forcasting was off because gas prices went through the roof unexpectedly in 2008 and Brandon residents chose to shop in their own community more often. That’s my uneducated guess.

    As for putting some in reserve, it sounds like that Brandon is considering that, since they are still trying to figure out what grant money they are getting for the bike trails. My guess is they won’t spend all of this money.

    Sorry, Sy, I just think SF can have all the great things we have now, without borrowing for them, it’s about prioritizing and building solid relationships with Federal officials. There is no reason why The Corps shouldn’t be paying for our levees instead of the city, it’s like we just roll over like a dog whenever the Feds tell us NO.

    Strong leaders find ways to move a city forward while being responsible to the citizenry – all of the citizenry, not just the ones on Craigslist.

  4. Never said Brandon was a dump,they just have the small-town mindset is all. Not entirley a bad thing, unless you don’t fit their

    Brandon’s wagon is hitched to ours and they know it. If they were 40 miles further away they’d be growing like Huron, which is barely. Tea/Harrisburg/Lennox etc. all are.

    Your guess isn’t all that far off, they’ve also added a bunch more retail over the last couple years so there’s more options for locals, at least for the bread & butter items. Big ticket stuff will get shopped for here, or the Cities.

    The Corpse of Mousketeers had put SD pretty far down the pecking order and that is through no fault of the Munson Admin., been that way for years and unless our Congressional Delegation unfies solidly against them we will stay where we are.

    While the South is viewed by them as the orphans looking for a hot meal and a dry bed, they see us as the rich kid who’s asking for some cool new rims for their bike.

  5. l3wis on May 27, 2009 at 9:08 am said:

    Sioux Falls only has the appearance of being the ‘rich kid’ because, like Dave Fleck (SF COC) said at the council meeting a few weeks back, Sioux Falls must look good too (who cares how much it is costing us).

    It reminds me of my broke ass neighbors who have all new furniture and electronics that they bought from Rent-a-Center and will be paying for until the end of time.

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