By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Remember this post?”
  1. I’m sure it did, and I betcha he got to talk to a judge face to face about it.

    Last year one of my friends got out of jury duty by saying she thinks Marijuana should be legal. That was the last question they asked her.

  2. Sweet. I’ll remember that one.

    The cops would be mighty disappointed if they decided to search my car afterwards too.

  3. If you really want to get out of it, say you don’t like minorities, especially female ones. You’ll get excused right away.

  4. I’ll stick with something I actually believe. My wife’s a minority.

    Come to think of it, she’s two minorities.

  5. I know, I was kidding. I had a friend who had to serve last year so I was giving her all these excuses and I was just telling her crazy stuff to say, to see if she would. It was a funny conversation. Everytime I gave her an idea, she was like, “Um, I can’t say that.” It took her awhile to catch on. Another one I told her to say was, “Not only do I believe in Capital Punishment, I think they should bring the firing range back.”

  6. Can I donate my appearance fees to Al Quada and double deduct. I make my mark with ‘X’. ‘No comprende’. I’ll miss the next comet to Galaxy LOL. I need hourly transfusions. I’ve been to Mexico City 300 times this year.

  7. My friend who served on jury duty did have some funny stories. She told me that one lady on the jury ‘didn’t get it’ They were all pretty frustrated with her by the time the whole thing was over with. They literally had to gang up on her and convince her to vote with them because they couldn’t reason with her. It was only a two day trial and pretty obvious the guy was guilty to.

  8. I think circuit court is still fair. I’d serve but cannot sacrifice income I need to fight communist city government. I’d not be a fair juror because I’ve been enlightened and I feel a defendant deserves better. Wow, the best excuse.

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