South DaCola

Now if we can just close down John Morrell's we'd be set

The cattle operation of the SF stockyards is going to close down and the land is for sale. Let’s cross our fingers and hope JM’s moves to Sioux City so we can finally breathe the air once again in Sioux Falls;

The Sioux Falls Stockyards is being offered for sale by the financially embattled company that owns it and will end cattle sales by June 30 because it cannot comply with city restrictions on wastewater, according to stockyard manager Paul Scott.


Once the largest stockyard in the nation, the 92-year-old venture is falling victim to, among other things, tougher environmental standards and changing market forces that dictate how cattle are bought and sold.

Don’t get me wrong, it will have a short term effect on the Sioux Falls economy and housing market if John Morrell’s moves to, but in the long run we can finally cleanup that part of town and make our city a cleaner place to live. Sometimes GOOD change hurts a little.

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