
Hi. I’m Dave Knudson, and I want to be your governor. I also want to be the governor for the RR industry, the overpriced American motorcycle industry, the hotel industry, the healthcare industry, the trucking and transport industry, the credit card industry, the steel industry, the real estate and developer industry, the attorney industry, and the gravel and sand industry, and of course the regular hardworking Joe industry in South Dakota, that is of course, if you give me 1,000 bones in exchange for a hot dog and some chips.

The list of names on an invitation for a May 21 fundraiser for State Sen. Dave Knudson, R-Sioux Falls, offers a glimpse into supporters of the gubernatorial candidate.


The event is a “down-home barbeque” to be held at the home of Kelby and Heidi Krabbenhoft. He is president of Sanford Health. A donation of $1,000 is suggested on the invitation.

Down-Home BBQ? What, are they stoking the fire with wood from all the homes they tore down this year around Sanford?


Names on the invitation are business executives Dan Kirby; Jeff and Carol Parker; Kevin and Carmen Schieffer; Tom Everist and his wife, former Senate Majority Leader Barb Everist; Steve and Kris Egger; Bob Thimjon; Miles and Lisa Beacom; Tom and Patti Dempster; Don and Chris Dunham; John and Ann Henkhaus; Rob and Larissa Skjonsberg; Doug and Anne Hajek; Kim and Susie Patrick; Paul Jay Lewis; Jim and Jill Entenman, and David and Jill Bockorny.


Sanford officials include Dave and Laurie Link, Dr. John and Debby VanderWoude, Dr. Pat and Jody O’Brien, and Dr. Dan and Becky Blue.

There will be so many rich South Dakota Republicans at this event they may have to have some emergency skid steers on standby so there is no run off into the Big Sioux Creek. Hate for it to flood manure into any of the shoe and video store businesses that are not protected by a levee yet.

If I had the money and was invited I would give Dave $1,000 not to bring his wife. Figure that would come to about a buck a babble.

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “One more reason election campaigns should be publicly funded”
  1. Dave Knudson- Candidate for the Elite!

    Do you think they will serve left overs form the hospital?

  2. Dave’s got two big things running against him that he can’t control: he’s intelligent, and he’s from Sioux Falls. Somehow the rest of the state has a thing against us.
    Looking at the other republican candidates, I say he’s head and shoulders above them. What will be interesting is who hte Dem is.

  3. If (and that’s a big if) Dave wins the primary I think Hunhoff would be a great matchup. Two completely different political philosphies but two very admired and smart guys. I also think it would be a little bit cleaner.

    I know when Bernie ran against Janklow he had more dirt then you could believe, but he decided to not bring any of it up.

  4. “Somehow the rest of the state has a thing against us.” – Gee, could it be because you never come out of your Sioux Falls bubble, save to shoot a pheasant? Could it be the long campaign to move state agency functions and offices from Pierre – and then award those workers with a “cost of living” bump? Could it be the guerrilla campaign to open a faux-self funded state college campus in Sioux Falls when three real ones exist within 80 miles – and in the process detract from real enrollments and adding vitality to smaller towns? Could it be that Sioux Falls dominates the do-nothing state legislature, and only represents the interests of those invited to barbecues like this one? Get a mirror.

  5. Seems I struck a nerve.

    Gee, could it be because you never come out of your Sioux Falls bubble, save to shoot a pheasant?

    Could it also be that this conception is false?

    Could it be the long campaign to move state agency functions and offices from Pierre – and then award those workers with a “cost of living” bump?

    What would be wrong with moving a few offices to a place more people actually want to live?

    Could it be the guerrilla campaign to open a faux-self funded state college campus in Sioux Falls when three real ones exist within 80 miles – and in the process detract from real enrollments and adding vitality to smaller towns?

    University Center serves a different demographic than the main campuses. Most of the students there are working adults trying to further their education without having to move full-time to Brookings, Verm, or Madison or commute every day. Universities do not exist to provide jobs and tax revenue to small towns.

    Could it be that Sioux Falls dominates the do-nothing state legislature, and only represents the interests of those invited to barbecues like this one? Get a mirror

    I prefer the state legislature does nothing. They screw less up that way. And if we dominate the legislature, it’s because more people live in the SF area (a growing trend, BTW).

    Your knee-jerk reaction is silly, but amusing.

  6. Yeah, I leave Sioux Falls. To go to Omaha or Minneapolis mostly.

    I’ll agree, the University Center is for non-trad and partime students.

    And thirdly, who the fuck would want to live in the armpit of SD, Pierre.

  7. First, I have already said I would vote for Dave if he promises to take his wife to Pierre with him (which means she will be forced to relinquish her deathgrip on the city council).

    Second, enrollments and SDSU and USD aren’t suffering due to University Center and quite frankly Sioux Falls has needed a state University for decades. The state’s largest city is a very logical place to put such a University, and since it is clear it hasn’t harmed the others I see no problem.

    Perhaps it will slow the growth of some of the other state Universities, but is that a bad thing? In business, you locate where the customers are. Government should be no different.

    So in short – build a bridge and get over it.

  8. De is term limited out in 2010. Even though there has been rumors she will run for mayor, I think we know how that would end . . .

    I have always thought SF should have a full-fledged state university. It would give us another good reason to build an EC.

  9. Second, enrollments and SDSU and USD aren’t suffering due to University Center and quite frankly Sioux Falls has needed a state University for decades.

    Every major state university in any more populated state already has a satellite campus in the major cities in its state. My alma mater is located in a smaller town in OK, but has branches in OKC and Tulsa that mostly exist for working adults. They went where the people are, because as state universities, it’s their job to educate people in whatever way works for them in order to have the greatest possible impact.

  10. I think Nebraska State is like that too, I think there is more students in Omaha then in Lincoln.

  11. There is no “Nebraska State”. Just UNL and UNO, and maybe a few smaller campuses.

  12. Aunt Bertha and Delicious Dee Dee are attending this BBQ together since Delightful Davee will be busy at the BBQ event mostly kissing (in areas that are private to you Democrat cheap-skate scum who can’t afford the cost of the ticket to get in – bastardly low-life, commie elitists) Sanford staff and other average citizen guests. Afterwards, they are meeting up with beloved Councilmen Bob Schlitz & Greg-Bob Jamie-Bob-son for hoe-down dancing, a grape knee-nigh night-cap, and a game of scrabble at the mayor’s desk in the Carnegie Council Chambers.


    EggBert Tiberious Kirk

  13. What would be wrong with moving a few offices to a place more people actually want to live?

    The government is Pierre. That’s the constitution and the law. Don’t like it, lump it. Don’t like Pierre as the capital – then have the stones to move the capital. The government jobs are in Pierre. If you don’t want them, then work for Burger King.

    University Center serves a different demographic than the main campuses. Most of the students there are working adults trying to further their education without having to move full-time to Brookings, Verm, or Madison or commute every day. Universities do not exist to provide jobs and tax revenue to small towns.

    Demographic is a lazy man’s excuse. I moved from SF to complete my second advanced degree. Half of my class were non-trads – guess what – we were all working adults. The demographic excuse falls apart when comparing the metric of student ages at the faux-campus with those at SDSU, USD and DSU. Deal in facts, not conjecture. If you’re going to have a state campus in SF then at least have the stones to close another. SD has one million fewer people than Nebraska yet has almost as many state campuses.

    Preferring that a government does nothing is the epitome of waste. The comments above here exemplify the SF arrogance – as if SF has any thing to be arrogant about. It’s merely bigger, not smarter, certainly not better managed or led.

  14. “SD has one million fewer people than Nebraska yet has almost as many state campuses.”

    That either tells us that SD spends too much on administration infrastructure or Nebraska does not spend enough. I have have often thought that the state does spend too much on administrative costs when it comes to our state universities and not enough on actually educating.

    “The comments above here exemplify the SF arrogance – as if SF has any thing to be arrogant about. It’s merely bigger, not smarter, certainly not better managed or led.”

    I think the whole freaking state is poorly led. But you are correct, after following our city government very closely over the past two years, I have become incredibly disgusted with how SF is led. It seems our city leaders live in a fucking dream world that really doesn’t exist for the rest of us. And ironically this Monday they will vote to take out a loan to build barns for pink birds. That says it all right there.

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