South DaCola

SF Quality of Life Bond Breakdown

Quality of Life II Bond
Library & Park/Recreation
Estimated Use of Proceeds

$4.3M Westside Library
The Western part of the City has grown considerably in recent years with continued growth expected in both the Southwest and Northwest areas. The Planning Department estimates the current population west of I-29 and south of 12th Street to be more than 16,000 people with an expected population of almost 30,000 by 2015. Population estimates for west of I-29 and north of 12th Street are 2,600 currently with nearly 13,000 projected by 2015. The closest libraries for these residents are the Main Library at 8th Street and Dakota Avenue, and the Caille Branch Library at 49th Street & Carnegie Circle. Neither of these locations provide convenient & easy access for residents living west of I-29. Convenient & easy access to library service is an objective to the City’s 2015 Development Plan. This plan calls for branch libraries to be built in both the Southwest & Northwest areas of Sioux Falls. Equipment includes FF&E that may or may not be capitalized. Operating impact includes adding 5 full-time and 2.5 part-time positions with total personnel costs at $389,266.

I think this is a great use of taxpayer money, BUT I think it should be paid for out of the regular budget, especially for libraries.

$5.0M River Greenway Improvements
The City Council approved a resolution that allowed the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Zip City Partners LLC that gives the City an option to purchase property on the old Zip Feed Mill site for the construction of an events center. As a consideration, the City agreed to make improvements on City owned property adjacent to the Zip City Partners property and construct a pedestrian bridge connecting the east and west banks of the Big Sioux River. This project follows the conditions of the agreement and encorporates the visions of the adopted Sioux Falls Greenway and Riverfront Master Plan. The master plan also identified a need for shaded rest areas along the recreational trail.

This expenditure is suspicious. The suspension bridge has a pricetag of $750,000 (which is too much for a pedestrian bridge over a large creek), but where I get more suspicious is paying $4.25 million for ‘shaded areas’. This part of the bond is certainly ‘shady’ on details.

$4.2M Youth Sports (Junior Football) Complex

SD Junior Football has been steadily growing for a number of years and has maxed out the number of games they can play in a week at Riverdale Park. They have been turning away players the past 2 years and will have to continue to cap the number of teams/players they can accept. The 8 fields are based on player projections by SDJF and 15 year participation trends. No site has been identified at this point.

Like I have said in the past, I am on the fence about this. I think it would be okay to build more football fields, BUT, I also think it could be done cheaper, in a partnership with the school district and could be budgeted. Taking out a loan for a football field is a poor use of taxpayer’s credit line.

$2.5M Zoo Master Plan Improvements
The master plan for the redevelopment of the Great Plains Zoo has been completed and outlines the improvements needed. The first phase of the master plan includes relocating the rhino exhibit to the Africa area. This will free up space to accomplish the other improvements identified in the master plan. Phase 2 will include improvements to the entrance of the zoo and renovate the flamingo and monkey exhibits. This project was selected for the 2010 Community Appeals fund raiser.

I am 110% against this. Whether we borrow the money or budget it, it is a joke. We should have never bought the zoo, it was one of the stupidest decision this city EVER made. Though I will agree the new director has really improved the facility, my opinion about the zoo (and Great Bear for that matter) is if these facilities are being used and needed they will find a way to be self-sufficient. I don’t think my tax money should go to rhinos, monkeys and pink birds. Sorry.
$16.0M Subtotal Project Costs
$1.1M Capitalized Interest
$1.4M Contingency
$18.5M Bond Ordinance Total

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