38 Thoughts on “Fire Dave Letterman

  1. Ghost of Dude on June 17, 2009 at 6:21 am said:

    The outrage manufactured from this joke has far outgrown the joke itself.
    Letterman apologised on his own show, in front of dozens of viewers at home and in the studio audience. Isn’t that enough?

  2. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 6:23 am said:

    Palin is an idiot, seriously.

  3. Angry Guy on June 17, 2009 at 6:45 am said:

    The minorities are always looking for a celebrity to lynch. The joke wouldn’t have even been funny if Bristol wasn’t such a hotty.

  4. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 6:56 am said:

    Like that hottie singer ‘Ditto’?

  5. Randall on June 17, 2009 at 7:00 am said:

    The joke is that an unwed mother is somehow a spokesperson for abstinence-only sex education.

    That cognitive dissonance is the joke.

    “…you don’t need condoms, you don’t need birth control pills, you just need to pray to Jesus… whoops! Oh well, let’s name him ‘Also’… now back to what I was sayin’ – you don’t need contraceptives… Bristol, get up there and tell ’em, honey…”

  6. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 7:20 am said:

    And do it while standing in front of a turkey butcher.

  7. Costner on June 17, 2009 at 7:32 am said:

    Why are right-wingers always so damn angry? I bet if the Dow was above 11,000 again they would settle down a tad….apparently watching your portfolio soar and counting your money must be somewhat calming.

  8. Angry Guy on June 17, 2009 at 7:37 am said:

    DL, I had to use the Googles to figure out WTF you were talking about..
    My search returned this.

  9. Costner,

    I think you know well enough that if a high-profile conservative did the equivalent of calling an underage member of Obama’s or Biden’s family a whore they would be sitting in Gitmo as we speak.

    That said, it was a joke, he apologized, they accepted, move on…bigger fish to fry.

  10. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 7:44 am said:

    AG- You know what they say, You can put lipstick on a pig . . .

    Sy- Everyone knows, including yourself, that joke was intended for Bristol, not Willow. So as AG would say, SyTFU.

  11. Randall:

    “The joke is that an unwed mother is somehow a spokesperson for abstinence-only sex education.”

    Not really, they have ex-crimimals speak to kids all the time to scare them strait. They have ex-junkies speak to kids all the time to keep them from doing drugs.

    Neither one worked very well with me, but WTF it got us out of class once in a while.

  12. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 7:59 am said:

    Sy- There is a difference between being a drug addict and having a child out of wedlock. If Bristol is happy and her baby is happy, how will her preaching Abstinence education have any affect?

  13. Jackie on June 17, 2009 at 8:40 am said:

    I’m sorry – but where was all this outrage with these same people regarding some of McCain’s jokes?

    Lessee, he’s had one about Chelsea and her “parentage”, and he had a joke regarding rape and an ape.

    Letterman is a comedian, but McCain was her guy, the maverick, don’cha know.

  14. Costner on June 17, 2009 at 9:18 am said:

    Sy: “I think you know well enough that if a high-profile conservative did the equivalent of calling an underage member of Obama’s or Biden’s family a whore they would be sitting in Gitmo as we speak.”

    There have been countless jokes about Chelsea Clinton throughout the years many of which occurred when she was still underage in the White House. Were some of them in bad taste? Sure. Did some Democrats get upset and overreact? I’m sure they did, but it surely didn’t make headlines that I recall nor were there ever rallies asking for Rush Limbaugh or John McCain to be fired.

    It is just more fake selective outrage from the right…and it would be offensive if it wasn’t so damn pathetic.

    As to your comment about Gitmo I assume you’re joking since the Democrats are the least likely of the two parties to hide people behind bars without due process. They have many faults, but suppressing the opposing voice isn’t a tactic they tend to employ. Just remember – it wasn’t the Democrats who fell back upon the old “you are either with us or against us” line and told the American people that if they voiced their opposition to the government that they were being unpatriotic.

  15. hossenpheffer on June 17, 2009 at 11:19 am said:

    this subjects boring. time to move on. the teabagging was more interesting.

  16. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 11:26 am said:

    How about a video of Palin getting teabagged?

    Wait . . . Hustler already made one.

  17. Costner:

    “but suppressing the opposing voice isn’t a tactic they tend to employ. ”

    Wow, that could easily be the most naive thing I’ve ever read on a message board.

    Exhibit A: Fairness Doctrine

    Exhibit B: Employee Free Choice Act

    Both are sponsored by who, again?

    Both of these are cynically named, shitpile bills that are attempting to implement the exact tactic you claim the Democrats don’t employ. And not on some shadowy terrorist picked up on the battlefield, but on US industries and US citizens.

    Get a friggin’ clue.

    and L3wis,

    It doesn’t matter which daughter it was aimed at, she was being called a slut. Do you think the 4 years made the difference to Palin or her family? You also missed my point to Randall that just because someone has walked the path, doesn’t automiticlly disqualify them for speaking out on a particular topic.

    In fact, I think those who’ve never experienced something are less qualified to comment on it than those who have. Just like I’d never attempt to disqualify Warrenphear on the topic of military service precisely due to the fact that he has served whereas I haven’t.

  18. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 12:06 pm said:

    “It doesn’t matter which daughter it was aimed at,”

    Yes it does. Letterman didn’t make a big deal out of it, the Palin’s did. It’s a sad day when comedians can’t make fun of politicians anymore, left or right. Sarah needs to realize if she wants to play in the big league, she better get used to the jokes and stop acting like a mayor of a white trash town.

  19. No, it really, really doesn’t.

    I have 3 daughters of various ages and I don’t give a shit which one you insult to attack me, you will have a problem that will end badly for you if you ever choose to go down that road.

    Just like if I attacked Angry Guy’s or anyone else’s kids in the same way, I’d expect them to be on my front step ready to throw down.

    These are human beings, with real feelings. How do you know that little Willow didn’t get mocked by her peer group the next day and wasn’t bawling her eyes out in her bedroom when Mom got home?

    If you ever have children L3wis, you’ll know what the fuck I’m talking about.

    As for Chelsea, I didn’t approve of making fun of her looks when she was thirteen, and I don’t approve of McCain making fun of her last year. Although the difference is last year she was an active member of her Mom’s campaign and what she said (<–key word) should be scrutinized and is fair game for ridicule.

  20. l3wis on June 17, 2009 at 1:31 pm said:

    I think it was proper for Letterman to apologize for being misunderstood (he meant Bristol, not Willow) but I don’t think he should have apologized for the joke itself. Unlike your children, Sy, Sarah AND Bristol have put themselves in the public eye, and last I checked they are both adults. Like I said above, if Sarah or Bristol have a problem with it, then they need to take themselves out of the public eye. It was pretty obvious that Bristol’s pregnancy was used as a campaign prop, and as far as I am concerned there wasn’t ENOUGH jokes about the dispicable act by the McCain campaign.

  21. Angry Guy on June 17, 2009 at 1:47 pm said:

    SyTFU said: “you will have a problem that will end badly for you if you ever choose to go down that road.”
    You’d better report his IP to the FBI, DL…

    STFU, Sy. First and foremost, you should calm down over the kids thing. Nobody was calling any of your 3 kids whores or implying that they are doomed to be as close minded and arrogant as their father. If you get so worked up over something typed here that you want to “throw down”, you have bigger problems than you think. Good luck with that, macho man.

    Secondly, the Palins have been in the MSM crosshairs for a long time. If Willow is crying her eyes out over a joke aimed at her older, single, pregnant, hypocritical sister, then she’s doomed. Because it’s just going to get worse when her mom makes a run for the WH in 2012.

    Thirdly, God help us ALL if DL ever procreates! Seriously.

  22. Costner on June 17, 2009 at 2:22 pm said:

    “Exhibit A: Fairness Doctrine

    Exhibit B: Employee Free Choice Act”

    Exhibit A isn’t even supported by mainstream Democrats or Obama. There hasn’t been a bill presented into Congress in reference to it since at least 2005 (so I have no idea where all this righty fear is stemming from) and it doesn’t appear anyone cares to take the time to write it.

    However, if you bothered to actually take time to understand that which you obviously oppose, you would soon learn that the so-called fairness doctrine isn’t about suppressing anyone. In fact it is simply ensuring both sides are heard and that neither side is suppressed.

    Thus it isn’t about keeping someone quiet – it is just the opposite. I still think it is a stupid idea, but at least I understand what it is about.

    As to exhibit B, I’m sure you understand I don’t support that idea either, but again that isn’t about suppressing someone’s view. If anything they are forcing people to express their views out in the open (which I oppose) but they aren’t telling people they aren’t allowed to dissent and no facet of that proposed bill prevents people from stating what they believe.

    If this is the best you can do, I suggest you stick to the Internet tough guy routine. Maybe someone will take that aspect of you seriously… but I sorta doubt it.

  23. You guys are totally fuct in the head on this one.

    Letterman apologized for the joke, admitted it was in poor taste, and said he’d tried to do better in the future and that was accepted by the Palins.

    It didn’t matter which daughter was being called a whore, the FACT is Letterman was trashing a young girl, whether she was of legal age or not.

    I know no one was calling my kids anything, and feel free to narc me off to whoever you like if that’s how you roll. It was a hypothetical situation to where I substituted myself/my kids for Palin and you for Letterman and I also reversed it to make the point. It wasn’t a threat.

    I also don’t care if you say it to my face or post it for 20 people to read or broadcast it for milions to see, you bag on a young girl like that for a cheap laugh and you are simply scum.

    What you ignorant bastards refuse to acknowlege is your hatred of Palin has clouded your sense of right and wrong. And by your twisted logic, since Sasha Obama “put herself out in the public eye” by being born, than no one should bat an eye if I choose to trash her out in a similar fashion. Would you two be out there publically defending me and my right to free speech? Telling the Obamas “it’s just a joke, lighten up already?” I don’t fucking think so.


    “Willow is crying her eyes out over a joke aimed at her older, single, pregnant, hypocritical sister, then she’s doomed. Because it’s just going to get worse when her mom makes a run for the WH in 2012.”

    You are a fucking moron. Letterman didn’t back off, explain and apologize for his joke until a week later, two days after he did the ham-handed, non-apology that satisfied the hardcore leftwing hacks like yourself. You don’t think in this day of Twitter, Youtube, 24/7 news and instant messaging that what was acutally said didn’t get back to those kids in damn near real-time? The only reason it will “get worse” for them or any Pols kids in the future is if shitheads like you continue to marginalize and trivialize the actual damage that’s inflicted.

    You guys keep saying she’s an “adult”, but seriously, how many 18 year olds are mentally or emotionally mature at that point, regardles of their background? Fuck, how many are at age 30? I like a good, raunchy joke as much as the next guy, but there should be a line that applies to everyone regardless of party affilitaion.

    Err on the side of caution, just like you don’t scream “fire” in a crowded theater and don’t bag on young children, no matter how you feel about mom and/or dad.

  24. Plaintiff Guy on June 17, 2009 at 3:33 pm said:

    It’s a Roe v Wade demonstration. Same women, double demo.

  25. Costner, you are taking both bills at their face value talking points.

    The FD would require that for every hour of Rush Limbaugh, a station would have to broadcast an hour of Air America. It was precisely aimed at talk radio due to the Right’s dominance of that medium. Now perhaps the Dem leadership and Obama have bigger fish to fry these days, but the FD revival was proposed by Democrats, even if it didn’t get very far in the process.

    Ironically, the ABC Health Care infomercial that they are about to broadcast would not be possible under the FD, so I’m sure you can see why Obama isn’t a fan. ABC has even refused paid ads reflecting the opposing viewpoint, so why would they upset a system that’s already stacked in their favor?

    As for the EFCA, the point of view that get’s suppressed if enacted is that of Managment. A business can be organized by simple 50.01% of employees sigs. There’s no required notification of Management. Conversely, if a local union wants to vote out, than it is required to notify the national/locals and hold the election with enough time for them to come and present their side. How is Managment supposed to let the employees know their side if they are intentionally kept the dark?

    Nice try, though.

  26. Randall on June 18, 2009 at 6:16 am said:

    I don’t hate Sarah Palin…
    I think she’s an idiot.

  27. Angry Guy on June 18, 2009 at 6:23 am said:

    “You are a fucking moron.”
    “shitheads like you”
    “I like a good, raunchy joke as much as the next guy”
    -settle down goat-fucker… and STFU.

    I don’t care if Letterman had said it to her face. Even if someone twittered it and she picked it up on the @shitthatdoesntmatter feed, it doesn’t change the fact that it might have been tasteless, but it was intended for her adult unwed sister (yeah, I said adult because Bristol is an adult, no matter how much you’d like to portray her as an innocent little girl). You keep talking about the ‘damage’ done, but Palin’s camp is the one that keeps bringing it up. How much damage is done by not letting it go, instead of just letting it slide off their backs and get on with their lives? Any emotional damage being inflicted with this stupid joke has long stopped being Letterman’s responsibility.

    And as far as your right to make jokes about Obama’s kids, or anyone’s kids for that matter, it IS your right, and I’ll defend all day long. Even if I think you are a fat-headed arrogant douche, you still have the right to free speech, regardless of it is tasteful or not.

  28. Costner on June 18, 2009 at 6:38 am said:

    “It didn’t matter which daughter was being called a whore, the FACT is Letterman was trashing a young girl, whether she was of legal age or not.”

    Sy there is no way you can honestly believe half the crap you spew forth, because I have a hard time believing anyone is that stupid.

    First of all, where is the outcry from the right about ARod since he was just as much of the joke as the Palin girl.

    Second, Letterman never used the word “whore” about the girl, so that is just a fabrication you heard on talk radio and since you are too lazy to look up Letterman’s actual joke you just ran with it.

    Third, when a female turns 18 she is no longer a young innocent girl – she is a woman and she is fair game. Argue the tastefulness of such a joke all day long, but don’t even try to suggest because of her age she is off limits.

    Fourth, we all know the joke was about Bristol, and we all know Bristol was knocked up and had a kid before she was ever out of high school, thus I think it is safe to say if she is old enough to reproduce, she is old enough to have her feelings hurt due to Mommy trying to keep herself in the limelight.

    Fifth, I’m with AG on this one – you can make jokes about whoever you damn well please and although they might be distasteful I’ll defend your right to do so. This isn’t about partisan bickering – this is about a silly argument about a fucking joke. From a comedian. On at late night where much worse has been said.

    Sixth, don’t come in here and pretend everyone hates poor old Sara. Frankly I have zero sense of hatred towards the woman, but I also think she is about as qualified to be in Washington as the wad of dryer lint I tossed in the trash yesterday. She has displayed the fact that she can’t handle the spotlight and she has shown us she is nothing more than a pretty face. Rest assured if she looked like Janet Reno her popularity with the right would be reduced by about 95%.

    You really need to work on forming some better arguments.

  29. Costner on June 18, 2009 at 6:43 am said:

    Sy: “Costner, you are taking both bills at their face value talking points. ”

    And you’re still trying to stretch far enough to find a way to link this to suppressing viewpoints, but you have failed. You try to link the Fairness Doctrine with all democrats or the party itself when the reality is there isn’t even any push to write a bill to make it law. When that is pointed out to you, you fall back upon the old Sy tactic of trying to shift the debate and showing how Obama wouldn’t support it.

    No shit Sy – that’s why I said it in the first place, and that’s why your comparison failed.

    Then you go on to stretch even further by suggesting the EFCA is suppressing management viewpoints? Get a clue Sy – we all know management’s viewpoint… they don’t want unions.

    I’d like to say nice try, but honestly it is almost as if you aren’t even trying. Why don’t you just admit you’re full of shit and then we can at least agree on that much.

  30. l3wis on June 18, 2009 at 6:44 am said:

    Yeah, I don’t take what Sarhoid says with a grain of salt. Anybody stupid enough to do an interview about her kids and family in front of a turkey slaughtering deserves to be picked on. A LOT!

  31. Angry Guy:

    “no matter how much you’d like to portray her as an innocent little girl”

    Beyond the baby, do you have proof otherwise? No, you don’t. Does a pregnancy out of wedlock automatically remove one’s innocence and make it open season to trash that person and/or their family? Or does that only apply when there’s an R at the end of their name? Pretty sure we are all clear on your answer to that.

    “Even if I think you are a fat-headed arrogant douche, you still have the right to free speech, regardless of it is tasteful or not.”

    Really? Funny how you are constantly telling me to STFU. Yeah, I get the whole Lebowski reference and all, but your sentiment behind the quote is pretty easily discernable. It doesn’t even register to you what blatent hypocrisy you display on a daily basis. So that would mean you are either a totally ignorant asshat or you are the arrogant douche who refuses to hold yourself to your own standards.

  32. Angry Guy on June 18, 2009 at 10:11 am said:

    Do you have proof otherwise? No, you don’t. The only thing we know is what the MSM has told us. She got knocked up out of wedlock. Doesn’t sound very innocent to me. And yeah.. that R after her name is the only reason we’re talking about it. Idiot.

    No lebowski reference there, sorry goat fucker. I’m not trying to stifle your right to free speech as much as I just like telling you to STFU.

  33. Costner:

    “First of all, where is the outcry from the right about ARod since he was just as much of the joke as the Palin girl.”

    I’m sorry, I must’ve missed where A-rod or his family came out and expressed his anger about being portrayed as a coozhound. God knows there’s nothing in the public lexicon to support that. You really think the next day in the locker room A-rod took any crap about that joke? If so, your an idiot. If not, than I guess that would make you full of shit.

    “Second, Letterman never used the word “whore” about the girl”

    No, I used the term and I have seen the joke in it’s original context. Of course, it would’ve been less funny if Dave simply came out and said, “Hey Sarah Palin was at a Yankee game with her whore of a daughter…” Whore/slut/tramp whatever term you want to apply was the crux of the hypocrisy charge made by those attempting to whitewash the sentiment. Just like my post to AG above, there’s an easily discernable sentiment behind what was said and if it wasn’t there, Letterman would’ve never apologized for it.

    “Third, when a female turns 18 she is no longer a young innocent girl – she is a woman and she is fair game. Argue the tastefulness of such a joke all day long, but don’t even try to suggest because of her age she is off limits.”

    Super, let me know when someone close to you turns 18 so I can lob some accusations and innuendo at them, hopefully I can make them cry because we all know that is fuckin’ hilarious.

    “Fourth, we all know the joke was about Bristol….she is old enough to have her feelings hurt due to Mommy trying to keep herself in the limelight.”

    More naivete’ from you, or more shit. We all know now and that’s based on taking Dave and his writers at his word. It took 2 full days for them to come up with the Bristol line, I’m sure they had temporary amnesia or perhaps Letterman is simply a piss-poor communicator despite his lifelong career in broadcasting. The NY media was
    covering her every move that weekend, I’m sure they all just collectively got
    confused as to which daughter she was hanging with, right? Nopers:

    “Accompanying Palin on the trip is her husband, Todd, and the couple’s 14-year-old daughter, Willow, as well as Palin’s sister, Heather Bruce and Bruce’s son Karcher, also 14”


    That story was from June 7th.

    “Fifth, I’m with AG on this one ..” Hypocrite birds of a feather. You two try to pretend the double standard and hatred of Palin doesn’t exist, in fact you claim it’s Palni’s fault for keeping herself in the limelight. Well you’re completely full of shit on that one two: (from the above link)

    “Palin, who has not ventured out of Alaska much since the end of her failed vice presidential bid, is quietly returning to the national stage. Her week-long visit to the East Coast, starting with low-key appearances in upstate New York and then Long Island”

    She wasn’t there sticking her mug in every camera or getting booked on any show she could, she went to a autism fundraiser, a GOP fundraiser (where she didn’t speak despite being asked to) and a Yankee game with Guiliani, not what I’d call a self-promoted media blitz. Obama’s date night got about 10X the coverage nationally.

    “Rest assured if she looked like Janet Reno her popularity with the right would be reduced by about 95%.”

    Man that’s rich, Obama’s platform was no different than Kucinich, Dodd, Clinton,
    Edwards, Vilsack or Richardson, and every one of those folks had more national legislative and/or executive experience by a mile. If Obama were white and looked & sounded like Barney Frank he’d have never made it past South Carolina. Identity politics is alive and well on the Left precisly because of ignorami like yourself.

  34. AG:

    “No lebowski reference there, sorry goat fucker. I’m not trying to stifle your right to free speech as much as I just like telling you to STFU.”

    Telling someone to STFU is precisely trying to stifle their free speech. But, of course a moron fuckstick like you can’t figure that one out.

    Guess that would make you the goat, then. Enjoy the ride.

  35. Costner on June 18, 2009 at 2:00 pm said:

    “I’m sorry, I must’ve missed where A-rod or his family came out and expressed his anger about being portrayed as a coozhound.”

    Exactly. Because it was a fucking joke. By a comedian. During late night.

    Apparently ARod has a backbone and doesn’t get all bent out of shape over flippant comments. Sort of makes you wonder what Palin would do if someone called her a big meany head.

    No granted ARod is an adult, but I’m quite sure – no in fact I’m fucking positive that Letterman didn’t realize it was the 14 year old daughter instead of the 18 year old. Hell the joke loses all meaning with it NOT being the 18 year old, because that is the one who got knocked up.

    It was still in bad taste, and Letterman was still an idiot for using the joke in the first place, but it wasn’t worthy of five days worth of “top story” headlines on Fox News.

    “there’s an easily discernable sentiment behind what was said and if it wasn’t there, Letterman would’ve never apologized for it.”

    It isn’t about invisible sentiments – it is about what was actually said. You and your talk radio buddies keep using terms like slut and whore but Letterman never did….so who is the real scumbag?

    Letterman apologized because he was referring to the wrong daughter. Had it been Bristol at the game, I’d bet no apology would have been offered. You can be offended if you want – but Bristol has earned her place in history, and by proclaiming her support for abstinence long after the horse left the gate… she is more than deserving of a little attention.

    So again – you’re reaching.

    This just all goes to show that those on the far, extreme right will use any excuse you can find to paint Palin as the victim and act as if the big media machine is somehow out to get her.

    Hell let’s face it – when the Octomom or Obama’s data night are all this country has to talk about it seems clear people will leap all over the Palin story because like it or not she has been propped up to be a contender in the next Presidential election, but I’ve seen just as much media about Jon and Kate or those idiots Heidi and Spencer as I have about Palin, so don’t think for a second the media coverage about her is somehow unfair.

    I think the mainstream GOP understands she has no chance in hell of ever becoming President which is why they are trying to push her aside, but those same people are the first to toss out some fake outrage over a silly joke, and this just shows how ill-prepared Palin is for the limelight.

    You might think her family is off limits, but it just doesn’t work like that. When someone puts themselves out there they had better be smart enough to understand their entire family – hell ever their extended family – will be watched and monitored and examined. There will be stories every time they do something wrong (remember Gore’s son or Bush’s daughter) and there will be off color jokes (Chelsea Clinton, Jenna Bush, Meghan McCain, and others come to mind).

    That life. If you are going to run with the big gods you need to learn to pee in the tall grass. Either than or just STFU.

  36. Dave Letterman is not funny to begin with. He feeds his audience tidbits of sarcasm to satisfy his own agenda. Dave should retire or, better yet, get fired – there are plenty of funnier folks that could be the host of the show.

  37. liz turley on June 22, 2009 at 6:11 am said:

    a tastelessjoke by letterman’s writers. he just reads them. he apologized sincerely. i love dave letterman’s show, and feel that he has gone the extra mile to rectify the situation. shame on OLIVE GARDEN for being so narrow minded they have cut their advertising. won’t be eating there any more. let it go.

  38. l3wis on June 22, 2009 at 6:25 am said:

    Like Bill Maher said, “How do you boycott a restaurant you never eat at anyway?”

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