Did you see the speech Obama gave in Cairo?
Made Cheney and his ilk look like even bigger dicks. Pretty much repudiated all the neo-con garbage from the last eight years.
I saw bits and pieces of it, but did get the jist. Didn’t he say the war in Iraq was a ‘War of choice’.
That’s got sting.
The problem is this, sure Iran, Syria, the Palis etc. all hated Bush/Cheney, but they also were quite certain that if they ever directly participated in a dirty bomb plot or aided Al Queda that we’d come back with both barrels. That isn’t the case any more and I fear we will see the repurcussions of that soon.
BTW the Iraqi PM gave the speech a good response, but also reiterated how much better off Iraq is without Saddam FWIW.
Iran said predictably that “We still hate you guys no matter what you say or who says it” and basically said nothing short of a total reversal of our policies will suffice.
Trust me, there would be repercussions. I wasn’t totally sold on Obama as prez, but there is one thing I like about him, he is tough when he needs to be. Walk softly and carry a big stick.
I agree Saddam needed to go, but I think, and I’m just making an educated guess here, there was much more efficient and economically ways to get rid of him. I’m just saying.
Obama’s speech today was historic.
It is so refreshing to hear our President speak so clearly and with such a profound understanding of history as well as multi-cultural diversity.
He pulled no punches. For example; that we will not tolerate Israeli settlements encroaching on Palestinian lands – in other words: we recognize Palestine as a valid state. (Hear that Israel? Back off, bitch)
But he also told the world that to deny the holocaust is foolish and stupid (Hear that Iran?) and that we are Israel’s ally, make no mistake about it. (You fuck with them – you fuck with us)
He said he put the stop to the torture (YES – he admitted that the previous administration tortured) and is closing Gitmo and swore that shit will not happen again under HIS administration. (Implying that the previous administration were assholes and cowards, we understand they were assholes and cowards – so stay cool, the assholes are gone now and the adults are in charge.)
Barack Obama showed REAL bravery today – not the blowhard cowboy bullshit of the past eight years. (I mean …come ON …strutting around the flight deck of the Abraham Lincoln in your little fighter pilot costume? …clearing brush in your cowboy outfit? Bitch please – you were born a son of privilege in Connecticut, educated in Ivy League schools – you’re not a cowboy! Sheesh!)
FWIW the invasion of IRAQ is considered THE biggest military blunder of modern times by EVERY historian outside of Fox News pundits like Sean Hannity (high school education) Glen Beck (high school education) and gasbags such as Rush Limbaugh (high school education – flunked out of college in his first year).
Of course, the Fox News talking heads are crapping their pants about it – all they understand is checkers… Obama’s playing chess – and looking like a grand master.
But enough about Obama’s speech…
I toldja the other day that Dick is losing his mind…
Now he’s claiming that he never said there was a link between 911 and Saddam Hussein…
And meanwhile, Liz (little Dick) Cheney’s on Andrea Mitchell’s show at noon today saying that her daddy never said there was a link, etc. etc.
How long do you think it’ll be before Jon Stewart does a mashup of all the fucking times that Cheney came on TV to link 911 and Saddam Hussein?
At that press conference yesterday he was asked about it and he blamed Richard Clark for not telling him!
Clark – the guy that warned him and Condi Rice and Bush the Dumbass himself – over and over and over…
Copies of the memos he sent concerning Bin Laden exist…
But Cheney’s denying it all. Just… deny deny deny…
I don’t think he’s playing games, thinking he’s clever… I think he’s insane.
He’s whack, gentlemen. He’s nuts. Gone around the bend. over the rainbow. Bars on the windows fucking apeshit crazy.
That isn’t the case any more and I fear we will see the repurcussions of that soon.
Can’t say I agree. We still have over 100,000 troops within easy driving distance of every major belligerant country in the area. As long as our guys are there, you won’t hear a peep out of Syria or Iran (save a little sabre rattling). Same with Afghanistan on Iran’s other border.
Obama seems to understand the difference in attitude towards the US from the area’s governments and from the people living under them. For example, while Iran’s government is composed largely of fanatical theocrats, their people would be just fine if those nutbags would fuck off and let them live their lives. Anything we (or Israel) does to reinforce the government’s propaganda hurts our standing among the people.
Did you see the speech Obama gave in Cairo?
Made Cheney and his ilk look like even bigger dicks. Pretty much repudiated all the neo-con garbage from the last eight years.
I saw bits and pieces of it, but did get the jist. Didn’t he say the war in Iraq was a ‘War of choice’.
That’s got sting.
The problem is this, sure Iran, Syria, the Palis etc. all hated Bush/Cheney, but they also were quite certain that if they ever directly participated in a dirty bomb plot or aided Al Queda that we’d come back with both barrels. That isn’t the case any more and I fear we will see the repurcussions of that soon.
BTW the Iraqi PM gave the speech a good response, but also reiterated how much better off Iraq is without Saddam FWIW.
Iran said predictably that “We still hate you guys no matter what you say or who says it” and basically said nothing short of a total reversal of our policies will suffice.
Trust me, there would be repercussions. I wasn’t totally sold on Obama as prez, but there is one thing I like about him, he is tough when he needs to be. Walk softly and carry a big stick.
I agree Saddam needed to go, but I think, and I’m just making an educated guess here, there was much more efficient and economically ways to get rid of him. I’m just saying.
Obama’s speech today was historic.
It is so refreshing to hear our President speak so clearly and with such a profound understanding of history as well as multi-cultural diversity.
He pulled no punches. For example; that we will not tolerate Israeli settlements encroaching on Palestinian lands – in other words: we recognize Palestine as a valid state. (Hear that Israel? Back off, bitch)
But he also told the world that to deny the holocaust is foolish and stupid (Hear that Iran?) and that we are Israel’s ally, make no mistake about it. (You fuck with them – you fuck with us)
He said he put the stop to the torture (YES – he admitted that the previous administration tortured) and is closing Gitmo and swore that shit will not happen again under HIS administration. (Implying that the previous administration were assholes and cowards, we understand they were assholes and cowards – so stay cool, the assholes are gone now and the adults are in charge.)
Barack Obama showed REAL bravery today – not the blowhard cowboy bullshit of the past eight years. (I mean …come ON …strutting around the flight deck of the Abraham Lincoln in your little fighter pilot costume? …clearing brush in your cowboy outfit? Bitch please – you were born a son of privilege in Connecticut, educated in Ivy League schools – you’re not a cowboy! Sheesh!)
FWIW the invasion of IRAQ is considered THE biggest military blunder of modern times by EVERY historian outside of Fox News pundits like Sean Hannity (high school education) Glen Beck (high school education) and gasbags such as Rush Limbaugh (high school education – flunked out of college in his first year).
Of course, the Fox News talking heads are crapping their pants about it – all they understand is checkers… Obama’s playing chess – and looking like a grand master.
But enough about Obama’s speech…
I toldja the other day that Dick is losing his mind…
Now he’s claiming that he never said there was a link between 911 and Saddam Hussein…
And meanwhile, Liz (little Dick) Cheney’s on Andrea Mitchell’s show at noon today saying that her daddy never said there was a link, etc. etc.
How long do you think it’ll be before Jon Stewart does a mashup of all the fucking times that Cheney came on TV to link 911 and Saddam Hussein?
At that press conference yesterday he was asked about it and he blamed Richard Clark for not telling him!
Clark – the guy that warned him and Condi Rice and Bush the Dumbass himself – over and over and over…
Copies of the memos he sent concerning Bin Laden exist…
But Cheney’s denying it all. Just… deny deny deny…
I don’t think he’s playing games, thinking he’s clever… I think he’s insane.
He’s whack, gentlemen. He’s nuts. Gone around the bend. over the rainbow. Bars on the windows fucking apeshit crazy.
That isn’t the case any more and I fear we will see the repurcussions of that soon.
Can’t say I agree. We still have over 100,000 troops within easy driving distance of every major belligerant country in the area. As long as our guys are there, you won’t hear a peep out of Syria or Iran (save a little sabre rattling). Same with Afghanistan on Iran’s other border.
Obama seems to understand the difference in attitude towards the US from the area’s governments and from the people living under them. For example, while Iran’s government is composed largely of fanatical theocrats, their people would be just fine if those nutbags would fuck off and let them live their lives. Anything we (or Israel) does to reinforce the government’s propaganda hurts our standing among the people.