It seems the city is sending mixed messages. They claim we are recession proof;

Ending 2008 with a $215,786 operating fund deficit was not a surprise, Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science board members said during the annual meeting Tuesday.


The year before, in 2007, the operating fund ended ahead by $52,410.

“And things looked good through much of the year,” Pay said. “We thought we might come out OK, but then we hit that economic slump.”

Oh, sorry, it wasn’t a recession it was a slump. Big difference. My bad.

“The city pays subsidies on many things,” Munson told the board Tuesday. “We pay for all our fine city parks that, like the Pavilion, greatly improve our quality of life here,” he said.

Gee, Dave, can’t remember the last time I had to pay $65 dollars to ride my bike on the bike trails, but of course, I don’t want to give you any crazy ideas either.



BOSTON (AP) — “The View” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck has been accused of plagiarism.

A lawsuit in federal court in Massachusetts alleges that Hasselbeck lifted “word for word” content from a book on celiac disease written by a self-published author on Cape Cod.

Hard to believe such a sweet girl would do something like that. It’s not like she cries hysterically or throws shit fits all the time on The View. She seems so well put together.



Our Jr. Senator, what a hunk! Great! Just when I got back into self-grooming again, ugly is back in!

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Grab Bag Wednesday”
  1. What is it about plagiarism with those with that supposed “moral authority”? If you are registered with the R’s, you get to swipe other people’s intellectual property – no questions asked?

    Whether it’s tracing over a well known caricature and claiming it as “yours” or copying recipes word for word and publishing a book – what gives with these people?

    They’re the ones hanging out at the “tea bag” events too … having traveled on public roads, enjoying public parks all paid with taxes – howling about them. (Despite the fact that most are in that $250,000 and under where they get a tax break.)

  2. Yeah, how dumb can Hasselback be? She should have just asked to promote the book for the lady and take a commission on the sales for the promotion.

    “What publications do you COPY?” All of them!

  3. “…dumber than Governor Moose Drool?”

    Let’s not forget Michelle Bachmann!

  4. Both Obama and Biden have had their bouts with plagerism, during the last campaign it was given the collective: “So what?” from the MSM.

  5. Well, Sy, it’s one thing to cop a line from a former politician, it’s a whole other thing to copy a book word for word and sell it as your own.

  6. Leave it to sy to defend plagiarism by pulling the old “Obama did it too” line.

    I’m curious Sy – does the left blinker on your car even work or do you always need to turn right to get where you are going?

  7. As much as I’d LOVE for that kook Hasselbeck to get caught in scandal, I think the plagiarism is a stretch.
    Example sited by attorney of other author:

    Hassett’s Book: (p. 22)
    ” Wheat-free is not necessarily gluten-free.”

    Hasselbeck’s Book: (p. 50)
    ” ‘Wheat-free’ does not mean the same thing as ‘gluten-free’. ”

    I’m sure ANY book that dealt with a systematic issue would be similar in information, but is that considered plagiarism? The attourney calls on numerous passages that are not verbatim copy.

    I’d give Hasselbeck a pass on this one.

  8. Not defending plagerism at all, just pointing out the selective outrage.

    If it didn’t set you off when Obama/Biden did it, than don’t piss and moan about a member of the View crew.

  9. Costner:

    “I’m curious Sy – does the left blinker on your car even work or do you always need to turn right to get where you are going?”

    Back at ya cost, why does any glimpse of a conservative point of view immediately get dismissed by you, regardless of whether or not the point is valid?

    and L3wis, use the googles on Obama + plagarism and Biden + plagerism and you’ll see it’s a tad more convoluted than that. It’s one thing if you have a book or TV show to promote, whole other deal if your running for the highest office in the land.

  10. “Not defending plagerism at all, just pointing out the selective outrage.

    If it didn’t set you off when Obama/Biden did it, than don’t piss and moan about a member of the View crew.”

    First of all I hardly see any outrage – at this point all there seems to be are accusations, but you have to admit this chick seems to put her foot in it all too often.

    And for the record Sy, I wouldn’t condone plagiarism no matter who did it. I could care less if it was Obama…nobody gets a free pass for stealing the work of others.

  11. “Back at ya cost, why does any glimpse of a conservative point of view immediately get dismissed by you, regardless of whether or not the point is valid? ”

    Because this wasn’t an issue that had anything to do with left vs. right. This is a talk show host accused of stealing the work of others, and rather than commenting upon that you decided to use the red herring argument that it must be ok because Obama and Biden did it too.

    You injected a right-winger lame ass argument and when pressed about it you come back with yet another ad hominem argument about me dismissing the “conservative point of view”.

    Newflash Sy – the “conservative point of view” you attempted to use is quite simply an invalid argument. Not only did you fail to cite examples of plagiarism by Obama or Biden in defense of your lame argument, but you didn’t even bother to state your viewpoint on Hasslebeck’s situation – you were just too blinded by political party affiliation to even see the story for what it was.

    You might also like to note that I actually consider myself a conservative – at least much moreso than a liberal, so this isn’t about dismissing conservative viewpoints, it is about dismissing idiotic viewpoints that have no relation to the story at hand.

  12. hossenpheffer: I’d give Hasselbeck a pass on this one.

    The example you cite is pretty lame I’ll admit, but there are others that appear to be pretty damning.

    The comments relating to a deli slicer for instance or the information about calling manufacturers to verify their foods are gluten-free and how the labels and packaging might change.

    The list about forbidden foods seems a little fishy as well considering Hasselbeck just happened to list all the latin names for the foods just as Hassett had done.

    To top it off Hassett has prove that over a year before Hasselbeck released her book, Hassett mailed her a copy of hers – so it seems obvious Hasselbeck would have read it.

    Now obviously some things are just coincidence especially when talking about the same subject matter, but in reviewing some of the paragraphs they are speaking about and the relatively short books there appear to be a few too many similarities.

    I won’t go so far as to say Hasselbeck intentionally copied the book, but I suspect she did read it and retained some of the points in her memory which she then later included in her own book. It might not have been intentional, but plagiarism isn’ta bout intent – it is about the end result.

    I’m guessing the negative press is harming Hasselbeck to the point there will be a nice sizable out-of-court settlement where she will admit no guilt and everyone will go away happy.

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