South DaCola

Have you had a heaping helping of BS today?

Well I am here to serve it up. A SouthDaCola foot soldier sent me this ‘Fact Sheet’ written by the good doctor(?) Allen Unruh. After reading it, I realized that it was the script he was reading from when he was on KCPO’s Sunday Political comedy show, The Facts.

I suppose he does make a few valid points, but who knows, since he doesn’t back any of the statements up with footnotes on where he got the information. It’s kind of like saying Abstinence education works because Allen’s wife says so.

I would like to remind Allen that in a recent NY Times poll, 72% of Americans support a National insurance plan, and 57% would be willing to pay more taxes for it. If you don’t want to be a part of the plan, don’t enroll. Seems pretty simple to me. But how can we bash Obama and the congressional Democrats if we don’t lie?

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