
This is my first attempt at hand painting a sign (36 x 24″).

It will hang above the front door of the Touch of Europe.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “I took a stab at it”
  1. Come down next Friday or Saturday, Scott Hesse a jazz guitarist from Chicago will be playing.

  2. It’s welcoming. Prompts a come as you are relaxed feeling. I’d walk in with the right mood expecting to find other people with a similar mindset. Works, good job.

  3. It used to just say ‘Touch of Europe’ but I painted over it. I wanted it to say something different, because they already have a main sign that says ‘Touch of Europe’ and a lighted sign that says ‘Live Jazz’ I put the ‘downstairs’ on it, because people often get confused when they walk in the front door and see stairs going down. I think TOE is the only restaurant in SF that is in a basement.

  4. ‘TOE, featuring european cuisine’. “Bring your TOE’s down to blues,jazz, and food”(Paint blue tippy toes on the stairs).

    Trial is tomorrow again, all day 4th floor.

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