
Kristen Schall, just one of my favorite ‘babes’

I think Dakotawomen or woman, or whatever they are calling themselves these days should change the name of the site to, ‘Wrong side of the bed’. In their latest post about ‘sexism’ on the internets this line really made me laugh (not sure if it was sarcasm though);

Honestly, the objectification of women through the media or porn or bloggers or whatever is not really high up on my list of threats to the future of women or humanity. If some dude wants to put some scantily clad girl on his blog and drool over her, frankly, I could give a shit.

Then why do you keep blogging about it?

But I did like this bullet point;

People who like to present themselves as snarky and sarcastic, but have no ability to detect snark or sarcasm from others.

I couldn’t agree more, one of my biggest pet peeves.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “If you don't 'Give a Shit' why do you keep blogging about it?”
  1. AG – I can’t follow that link, if I do I might not be considered a pro-feminist progressive anymore.

  2. You forgot this quote:

    “But is it sexist? Of course. Why deny it? Why try to make it into something it’s clearly not? I love progressive men, but they are some of the worst offenders when it comes to being unable to own up to their own issues or admit when they’re wrong. In the absence of a better, gender neutral alternative, man up already. I really don’t get the point of getting your panties in a wad just because people expect more from you than being the online equivalent of a lad mag. High expectations — how dare they?!”

    Just sayin’.

  3. Sure it’s sexist posting scantilly clad women. But this is how I look at it, if people are coming to Middle Border Sun or SouthDacola to get their jollies looking at half-naked women, they seriously need to learn how to use the googles.

  4. First of all, are they even talking about this blog? Did I miss something? I get what you’re saying, but they have a point about supposedly progressive men who say very sexist things. I realize that the women you celebrate on this blog are chosen based on intellect and talent, not T&A.

    Second, I’ll assume hossenpheffer is being snarky or sarcastic.

    BTW-I love Kristen Schall. She has got to be one of the funniest PEOPLE on TV. Not too many comedians can upstage John Stewart and the Flight of the Concords duo.

  5. Where have I ever blogged about it before? I’m not sure how I can ‘keep blogging’ about something I haven’t even blogged about once…

  6. “First of all, are they even talking about this blog?”

    Not sure, they talk in code quite a bit and when you call them out on it, they claim they were being sarcastic. But I think it was initially an attack on another SD Blogger, and everyone picked sides and it got really stupid, really quick.

    “I realize that the women you celebrate on this blog are chosen based on intellect and talent, not T&A.”

    True, but some nice T & A doesn’t hurt.

    As for being progressive, I think this site is more about being funny, sure I take the left side more then the right, but I don’t have a tattoo on my chest that says ‘Progressive’ or ‘Liberal’. It’s like I’m going to get kicked out of a club I never belonged to to begin with because I said some chick has a nice set of tits.

    Hos is a very liberal/progressive woman. I just think she is a little more ‘grown up’ to worry about trivial things.

    As for Schall, I just think she is so wonderful. Everytime she is on the Daily Show I literally piss my pants. I used Schall in the post because of her character on TDS. She plays the young progressive female who is into women’s rights just so she can feel like she fits in and belongs to a group.

  7. Meh. You know them better than I. I’m not sure the T&A comments are necessary, but it’s your blog. I mean, I have a grandmother, mother, wife, sister, and daughter, so I sort of put myself in their shoes when I read that stuff. But that’s just me.

    The funny thing is that I think your views fall in line with a lot of feminist thought – not all of it, but a lot. I didn’t mean to label you progressive. I’m not a big fan of political labels either. I get that.

    Either way, I think it’s important to open dialogue rather than point fingers back and forth. I’m not the best example of this, but I do find it more constructive than bickering through blog posts.

    Oh, and I do read you for the comedy. Keep that going. Later. I should get some work done today.

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