South DaCola

Ironic Johnny, Consultants and Cab Fares


Obama is proposing something that should have been done decades ago;

“The pay-as-you-go rule is very simple,” Obama said Tuesday. “Congress can only spend a dollar if it saves a dollar elsewhere. And this principle guides responsible families managing a budget.

But Ironic Johnny is having NO part of it;

“It’s like closing the barn door after the horse is out,” said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D. “Now all of a sudden, we’re going to become fiscally responsible after we spent (almost) $1 trillion on stimulus and increased the omnibus (budget) bill by 8.3 percent? Having spent like a drunken sailor for the past several months, now we’re going to reform?”

John? Do you think we are all a bunch of dumbasses? Apparently so. Past couples of months? How about the past seven years!!!! That horse is long gone.


The CC has a brilliant

idea on how to alleviate the lines at the vehicle registration office;

Minnehaha County Commissioner Anne Hajek says an independent study of long lines at the treasurer’s office might help to alleviate the problem –

Yes, because if something needs fixed in Sux Falls, throw a bunch of consultant money at it. I have a better idea; HIRE MORE WORKERS!!!!!!!


Maybe the city council should price fix food to in our city;

The city regulates how much taxi companies can charge customers for mileage, drop fees and wait times. The last time the council approved an increase was in August 2007.

I think one of the cab company owners had the best anology as to why this is really stupid;

Kinsley noted the city doesn’t tell restaurants how much they can charge for a hamburger.

But of course Vernon BrownKnows is worried about the children and unicorns, or something like that;

Councilor Vernon Brown said the rate limits exist for a reason. Unlike customers of other businesses, Brown said taxi users are “captive audiences,” making them susceptible to unscrupulous operators.

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You mean kind of like taxpayers being forced to pay and maintain city owned property or they will be fined? Is that what you mean by ‘captive audiences’? Maybe the citizens of Sioux Falls need to start ‘price fixing’ what this city spends on crap we don’t need.

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