
Little did we know yesterday, the very man who created HOME RULE was running for mayor, Bill Peterson. I caught this on KELO right about the time Plantiff commented below;

The man who created the form of city government Sioux Falls operates under says he’ll also run for mayor. Bill Peterson led the initiative to create a full-time mayor position for the city back in 1994. The former state Representative and House Majority leader plans to turn in his official paperwork by the end of the week.

“I think the question we have to ask in Sioux Falls going forward in the next couple of decades is, ‘What sort of city are we? What kind of jobs are we going to have? What kind of amenities and culture are we going to have here?'” Peterson said.

Pretty scary stuff. It’s like creating a Frankenstein to be your butler. He has created a city government that fines it’s citizens without due process, overtaxes us for Rhino barns and raises fees at a inflationary rate of health insurance premiums. Thanks, but no thanks Bill. This guy needs to be rejected early and fast.

I’m also sick of people who work for a low paying employer tell me about how they want to bring ‘jobs’ to Sioux Falls. We know what kind of ‘jobs’ you would bring, Bill. Also, I’m also about fed up with the Quality of Life Projects and amenities jibber jabber. Fix the over $100 million backlog we have on our roads in Sioux Falls first, then we’ll talk monkey crappers and Jr. Football fields.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Man who created City Hall dictatorship runs for Mayor”
  1. I’ll quote myself. “He’s the Lenin of HOME RULE”. Perhaps we could trade him for 2 reporter hostages in North Korea. They need more marxists and we must rescue these girls, fair trade. Nearer the election I want to post this picture at with some sort of sig heil caption.

  2. The Big ‘T’ reminded me of something he said at the council meeting when they were voting on the retail tax increase. He was their cheerleading it of course, and he said (paraphrasing) “We are not in the middle of the Great Depression.” A couple of days later Goldman Sachs and several other banks were failing.

    What a visionary.

  3. I not backing anyone for Mayor at this point, but I think you are a bit over the top on your bashfest of BP. Sure, he had a role in Home Rule, but he had no control with what the subseqent beneficiaries of that initiative have done with it since its inception.

    If that were truly the case, than all that bandwidth you’ve used up to trash out Munson was misguided and incorrect. Which means you would owe him one massive apology and at least a hand job for his troubles.

    Which is it?

  4. Apologize? You are kidding right? As I see it BP pushed the first domino, and he hasn’t lifted a finger to stop the effect after the first push. I think he is pretty proud of Home Rule, otherwise he wouldn’t have been bragging to KELO about it.

    As I see it, he owes the citizens of Sioux Falls an apology for implementing a policy that is not only against the state constitution but the US constitution.

    I’m sorry Sy, sorry I haven’t said something sooner about Bill.

  5. Of course I was kidding about the apology. But I am deadly serious about the hand job.

    And if Home Rule is truly unconstitutional, as you claim, reversing it should’ve been or should be a slam dunk.

    Of course, you wouldn’t be an advocate of that these days with Kermit getting ready to toss his salad, uh..I mean hat into the ring.

    I’m starting to think you owe me a hand job now too.

  6. What’s important in 2010 is a platform to repeal Home Rule. It started as Oligarchy and actually worked when politicians were honest and intent on unclogging the courts. They only used it for clear cut cases after all sides were properly heard. Then, until late 2007, someone always had the right to appeal into court. Not true now, a city hearing is the only recourse. Everyone is guilty. It’s not a hearing, it’s a lynching. Most often, home rule is used for political vendetta’s and revenge.

  7. Sy-

    I may be a short little Napolean, but I think my hands are even too big to give you a handjob.

    I have a feeling the next mayor, no matter who it is, will have no choice but to repeal Home Rule and destruct code enforcement and start from scratch.

  8. Peterson would start out well but greed makes everyone use Home Rule. Munson spends as he wishes without reporting to the city council or the citizens. His contractors bid at 4X the going rate and pad his pocket. If someone else wins a bid, Home Rule is used to not pay them. Most know not to bid and hope they can get in as subcontractor. Munson is burning 18 million right now and the 33 million stimulus should be stalled. Oligarchy has become socialism and it’s getting worse. Peterson originated Home Rule. He’s advocated it recently. He deserves everything he’s getting. Use your hand on him if you’re so inclined.

  9. L3wis,

    “I may be a short little Napolean, but I think my hands are even too big to give you a handjob.”

    Not sure how you can determine that via your computer screen, but regardless it’s nice to know you at least agree in principle with the idea.

  10. Damn, lotsa hotties through here recently, including hippy poser’s sis. Might have to take matters into my own hand.

    Speaking of, where’s the babe of the day? BP just aint pitchin’ the tent.

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