Little did we know yesterday, the very man who created HOME RULE was running for mayor, Bill Peterson. I caught this on KELO right about the time Plantiff commented below;
The man who created the form of city government Sioux Falls operates under says he’ll also run for mayor. Bill Peterson led the initiative to create a full-time mayor position for the city back in 1994. The former state Representative and House Majority leader plans to turn in his official paperwork by the end of the week.
“I think the question we have to ask in Sioux Falls going forward in the next couple of decades is, ‘What sort of city are we? What kind of jobs are we going to have? What kind of amenities and culture are we going to have here?'” Peterson said.
Pretty scary stuff. It’s like creating a Frankenstein to be your butler. He has created a city government that fines it’s citizens without due process, overtaxes us for Rhino barns and raises fees at a inflationary rate of health insurance premiums. Thanks, but no thanks Bill. This guy needs to be rejected early and fast.
I’m also sick of people who work for a low paying employer tell me about how they want to bring ‘jobs’ to Sioux Falls. We know what kind of ‘jobs’ you would bring, Bill. Also, I’m also about fed up with the Quality of Life Projects and amenities jibber jabber. Fix the over $100 million backlog we have on our roads in Sioux Falls first, then we’ll talk monkey crappers and Jr. Football fields.